M: who is your favorite NBA star?
J: Kobe Bryant, of course.
M: Kobe? I know him, the key guy of the Lakers, a heck of a NBA player. He is on fire when he breaks through enermy defense.
J: He is competent both in driving the lane and shooting jumpers, but what really makes him formidable is his ability to switch up and dribble with his left hand.
M: Maybe he is not good ay rebounding?
J: indeed, no man can be perfect. He is just so-so in crashing the boards. Usually he plays shooting guard. Rebounding might not be his strong suit.
M: Kobe came to Beijing during this summer's Olymics. Did you go to the match between China and USA?
J: who wouldn't! My friend Lee went so far as to get an autograph from him.
M: well then, what are your spoils?
J: well, nothing more than a jumble of photographs.
competent:having enough skill or knowledge to do something well or to the necessary standard 足以胜任的;有能力的;称职的 ~ (to do sth)
Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work. 要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作.
He's very competent in his work. 他非常胜任自己的工作.
a highly confident and competent teacher 信心十足而且称职的教师
formidable:if people, things or situations are formidable, you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult 可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的
In debate he was a formidable opponent. 在辩论中他是位难应付的对手.
She has a formidable list of qualifications. 她有一长串令人敬畏的资历.
The two players together make a formidable combination. 这两个队员配对儿,难以对付.
The task was a formidable one. 这任务非常艰巨.
They had to overcome formidable obstacles. 他们得克服重重障碍.
dribble:in football and some other sports 足球及其他一些体育运动 to move the ball along with several short kicks, hits or bounces 运球;带球;盘球
She dribbled the ball the length of the field. 她带球从后场跑到前场.
He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal. 他带球越过两个防守队员,射入非常精彩的一球.