日期:2010-04-14 13:37



C: how's your job searching going?

S: I've landed a job in a foreign company's Shanghai branch, but the pay is lower than I expected.

C: no surprise. The subject you studied abroad is not that hot here in China.

S: yeah, after coming back, I've found I may have to go through a period of unemployment.

C: that's normal; some of the overseas returnees couldn't find a nice job these years.

S: there are so many overseas returnees in the domestic job market now that the average salary has dropped a lot.

C: that's true, and the job market holds a more reasoanble attitude towards this group of people.

S: yeah,actually, the quality if an overseas education is not as good as we imagined.

C: employers have noticed this. That's why they have changed their attitude towards returned overseas students.

S: yeah, I have the same feeling. I've talked with many returnees; some of them can not even speak foreign languages fluently.

C: that's right. Employers will choose candidates with real talents and potentials, and they no longer care too much about whether you have a domestic or overseas diploma.




1.Land: to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)

He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie. 他刚得到一个机会,在斯皮尔伯格执导的下一部电影里担任主角. VN
She's just landed herself a company directorship. 她刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位. VNN

2.Branch: a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or organization 分支;分部;分行;分店

The bank has branches all over the country. 那家银行在全国各地设有分行.
Our New York branch is dealing with the matter. 我们的纽约分部正在处理这件事.

3.Fluent: of a language, especially a foreign language 语言,尤指外语 expressed easily and well 流利的;通畅的

He speaks fluent Italian. 他说一口流利的意大利语.

4.Candidate: a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job (竞选或求职的)候选人,申请人 ~ (for sth)

one of the leading candidates for the presidency 总统职位的主要候选人之一
a presidential candidate 总统候选人
He stood as a candidate in the local elections. 他作为候选人参加地方选举.
There were a large number of candidates for the job. 有许多求职者申请这份工作.

  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者
  • unemploymentn. 失业,失业人数
  • branchn. 分支,树枝,分店,分部 v. 分支,分岔
  • fluentadj. 流利的,流畅的
  • dealingn. 经营方法,行为态度 (复数)dealings:商务