If you are in Orlando, your spouse is at a conference in El Paso, your daughter’s at college in Raleigh, and your son is working in Dubai, you can keep the family in touch with Skype, a software application that lets you make free video calls over the internet.
You Will Need
Internet access
Step 1: Check requirements(由于skype是一种视频聊天软件,因此对电脑有一定的要求)
Ensure that your PC is running Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7 and has at least a 1 gigahertz processor and 256 megabytes of RAM. If you’re using a Mac, check Skype.com for system requirements.
If you’re using Windows 2000, you will need DirectX 9.0 in order to place video calls. You can download this at Microsoft’s website.
Step 2: Download Skype(从skype主页上下载软件)
Download Skype by visiting skype.com and click on Download. Follow the prompts to download and install the program.
Step 3: Open Skype(下载后安装,打开)
Double-click the Skype icon on your desktop or by choosing it from your Start menu.
Step 4: Create account(根据主页上的说明,注册一个新的帐户)
Create an account when the screen prompts you to do so. Type your name and make up a username, also known as your Skype name and password.
Choose your Skype name and password wisely — something you can easily remember, but not something someone else could guess.
Step 5: Find others on Skype(点击“Contacts”或“Search” 查找朋友和家人,或其他在线的人)
Find your friends and family by going to Contacts and clicking Search for Skype Users. Another window will prompt you to enter a name, e-mail address, or Skype name to locate your friends. Click Search and wait for Skype to search users; once your contact is located, highlight the name and click Add Contact.
It may take a few tries to locate people. If you are unsuccessful, try e-mail addresses, last names, and usernames, or else call them on the phone.
Step 6: Call your friends(给自己的朋友打在线电话)
The speakers, microphone, and webcam let you talk to your friends and see them while you’re talking. Call them by clicking on the Contacts tab and highlighting their name; the icon next to the name indicates their online status. Then click on Call to call with voice only, or Video Call to include video. You will hear ringing and your friend will pick up.
Step 7: Hang up(谈话结束后,摁红色键挂断电话)
Hang up by pushing the red End Call button once you’ve caught up with your faraway favorites.
Skype users make over 3.1 billion minutes of calls, and at peak times more than 20 million people are using Skype online at the same time.
1.Webcam n. 网络摄像头(=web camera)
2.megabyte n. 兆字节,百万数元组
3.Double-click 双击
4.highlight vt. 加亮,强调,使 ... 显得重要,照亮
如:Press the setup button to display the setup menu, and move the highlight down to audio.
It is one of the highlight of the match.
1.Follow the prompts to download and install the program.
prompt 最常用的意思是形容词,表示“adj. 迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的”,
例如:He is always prompt in answering letters.
She's always prompt to criticize other people's ideas.
2.It may take a few tries to locate people.
这个句子中有个固定用法就是take a few tries to do sth,我们都知道try作名词的时候,有“尝试”的意思,与take连在一起,就表示“进行尝试”,例如:We took a few tries befire finding the correct road.在找到正确的那条道之前,我们尝试了好几次。
3.Hang up by pushing the red End Call button once you’ve caught up with your faraway favorites.
通过点击“End Call”这个按钮来结束与对方的谈话。
hang up是“挂点话”的意思,
例如:Carols mother told.her she had talked long enough on the phone and made her hang up.