日期:2010-06-18 12:09





Simple lifestyle modifications can help keep your vision sharp.

You Will Need

An eye-care professional
Fruits and vegetables
UV-protective sunglasses
Family medical history

Step 1: Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam(给眼睛一次专业的检查)
Have your eyes checked under dilation by an eye-care professional.

Step 2: Eat a healthy diet(多吃蔬菜和水果)
Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Dark leafy greens and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like olive oil and flax seed, contribute to good eye health.

Step 3: Watch your weight(均衡自己的体重)
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight raises your risk of developing diabetes, which can cause vision loss.

Step 4: Don’t smoke(不抽烟)
Avoid smoking, which has been linked to several diseases that can cause blindness.

Step 5: Wear sunglasses outdoors(出门带太阳镜)
Protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays with sunglasses.

If you work at a computer, reduce eyestrain by looking off in the distance every 20 minutes for approximately 20 seconds.

Step 6: Pay attention to your family history(注意家族的眼睛史)
Determine whether you are at risk of developing a hereditary eye disease by tracking your family’s health history.



1.dilation n. (身体部位)膨胀
2.leafy adj. 叶茂盛的,多叶的,叶状的

如:Bearing numerous leaves; leafy.
叶子茂盛的生长繁多的叶子的; 多叶的

There is a leafy forest in our hometown.

3.flax n. 亚麻,麻布,亚麻织品

如:A comb for separating flax fibers.

Linen is produced from flax.

4.hereditary adj. 世袭的,遗传的

如:The disease is hereditary.

That family is a hereditary ruler.

  • diabetesn. 糖尿病
  • approximatelyadv. 近似地,大约
  • hereditaryadj. 世袭的,遗传的
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • blindnessn. 失明;无知;[军]盲区
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • contributevt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一
  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定