Your mom is guaranteed to be delighted with any one of these gestures. But why not do them all?
You Will Need
Extravagant gesture
Coupon book
"Favorite things" basket
Your company
Step 1: Achieve a goal(做一件让母亲觉得欣慰的事)
Start planning early and consider working toward a goal she’d be proud of, like raising your grades. You’re the perfect child already? Then complete a chore your mom hates – or one she’s been after you to do.
Step 2: Write her a letter(给她写一封信)
Write her a letter. Don’t just say how much you love her; thank her for specific things she does for you – especially stuff she probably thinks you don’t even notice.
Step 3: Anoint her Queen for a Day(母亲节那天,事事顺着她)
Anoint her Queen for a Day. Whatever she says goes – no questions asked, and with a smile on your face.
Turn off your phone so she has your undivided attention.
Step 4: Make her a coupon book(给她做一个烹饪书)
Make her a coupon book of favors she can redeem anytime. Include a “wild card” that she can fill in herself.
Step 5: Create a "favorite things" basket(送她一篮子她最喜欢的东西)
Buy a big basket and fill it with her favorite things, plus a few favorites of your own that you’re sure she’ll love.
Step 6: Spend the day(陪她一整天)
If you do nothing else at all, spend the day with her. For most moms, time with you is the thing she wants most of all.
1.extravagant adj. 奢侈的,浪费的,过度的,大量的
如:She accused us of being extravagant talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives.
In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.
2.coupon n. 息票,票证,礼券,(购物)优惠券
如:A coupon offering two items, especially tickets for a play, for the price of one.
I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap.
This coupon can be redeemed at any of our branches.
3.redeem vt. 赎回,挽回,履行
如 :The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.
Jones redeemed his earlier poor performance by scoring two goals.
She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.