How To Be Happy
The best minds in science and academia weigh in on the mystery of happiness.
Step 1: Be A Do-Gooder(乐善好施)
Researchers caution against mistaking "pleasure" for "happiness. " Pleasure is based on external factors, and leaves one craving more, more, more. Happiness, however, is influenced less directly- even by putting off your own pleasure for the good of someone else. People who perform selfless acts of kindness, whether by volunteering for a shelter or just helping out a friend, raised their reported level of happiness.
Step 2: Don't Sweat Decisions(不要犹豫)
The longer a choice is debated, the less happy the decider is with the outcome. Whether it's what to eat or where to live, first set your standards- the factors most important to you- then take the first option that meets them.
Step 3: Spend Well(开心地花钱)
If you're going to splurge, do it on an experience you'll remember, not goods or gadgets. Research indicates that people often regret purchasing an expensive ITEM, but tend NOT to regret money spent on "experiences" such as dining and travel.
Step 4: Aim High- But Not That High(不好高骛远)
Those at the pinnacle of financial success don't report significantly higher levels of happiness than the average Joe. Ask yourself if that overtime is REALLY worth it.
Step 5: Be A Joiner(多参加集体活动)
Whether it's a church choir or street dance crew, being part of a defined community group raises happiness levels.
Step 6: Stop Dwelling(不杞人忧天)
Leading psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky has found that the happiest people don't dwell on negative or ambiguous events. Furthermore, excessive introspection may sap your mental resources, making it harder for positive changes to occur. So turn off that Morrissey record and go outside.
Step 7: Be Grateful(充满感激)
Several professors and scholars in this field instruct students to keep a regular journal of what they're thankful for. The results indicate that gratitude reliably increases happiness. Who knew that those greeting cards urging us to "count our blessings" were right?
1.splurge v. 挥霍,乱花
如:She won 100 and then splurged it all on new clothes.
I had a splurge and bought two new suits.
2.purchase vt. 买,购买
如:You can rely on your solicitor's professionalism in dealing with the house purchase.
The purchase price is less if you pay by cash.
3.pinnacle vt. 造小尖塔,放置高处
如:He has reached the pinnacle of his career.
I can see the small pinnacle from here.
4.reliably adv. 可靠地,可信赖地,确实地