You’re not just missing opportunities with the opposite sex—research shows shy people are less likely to be promoted. But you can change.
You Will Need
Social settings
And lots of practice
Step 1: Boost your self-esteem(增强你的自尊心)
Determine why you’re so uncomfortable around people. If it’s due to something you can fix—your teeth, your education level, your body—take action to feel better about yourself. Go to a dentist, take a night class, start to exercise.
Step 2: Practice conversation skills(注意谈话技巧)
Practice your conversation skills by chatting up people you’ll probably never see again—the woman behind you in the checkout line, the guy sitting next to you on the train, people walking their dogs.
Step 3: Practice body language(训练自己的肢体语言)
When you have trouble clicking with someone verbally, try matching their body position physically. If they’ve got a hand on their hip, do the same—and their brain will be tricked into thinking you’re hitting it off!
Step 4: Test your abilities(试着与别人交流)
Once you’re confident you can start a conversation, test your newfound skills at group gatherings. And don’t just talk to one person and call it a night; the more you practice, the easier it will get.
Approach someone who is standing alone, looking uncomfortable; they’ll be grateful you made the first move, and you’ll get a confidence boost from their receptiveness.
Step 5: Breathe deeply(深呼吸)
Practice the relaxation technique of deep breathing. That way, when you start to feel self-conscious, you’ll be able to calm yourself with a few deep breaths.
Step 6: Relax(放松)
Whenever you walk into a room full of people, remind yourself that 48% of them are as nervous as you are—and the rest are too busy thinking about themselves to notice you!
Fifteen to 20% of people are born with the tendency to be shy.
1.Determination n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位
如:His determination carried him through (the ordeal).
He confronted his pile of work with determination.
2.chat up v. 调情,有目的地劝说
3.verbally adv. 口头地,词句地,逐字地
4.newfound adj. 新发现的
5.tendency n. 趋势,倾向
如:The belief that society has an innate tendency toward improvement and that this tendency may be furthered through conscious human effort.
His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork.
He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.