Making a Difference当仁不让ACTII教师讲解版视频
Grandpa:[He enters the living room.] Here are the fliers, hot off the press!
Ellen:[She takes some fliers.] Looks good. Simple.
Marilyn:Right over here, Grandpa. You fold the fliers. Richard and I will put them into the envelopes.
Richard:We finished addressing5 over three hundredenvelopes.
Grandpa:Need another box?
Ellen:Good work, gang.
Mike:[speaking on the phone] Hi, this is Mike.
Johnson. Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? Thanks.
Robbie:[speaking on the phone] Mr. Nelson. Hi. Thisis Bobbie Stewart. Did you know my mother is running for the school board?
Jimmy:[ speaking on the phone] Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart.“She cares.” Oh, see you at the polls.[He hangs up the phone, picks it up again, and dials another number.]
Robbie:Certainly, I'll give her your best wishes, Mr.Nelson.
Mike:[speaking on the phone] Hi, this is Mike Johnson. Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns? Thank you.
Ellen:We have done so much in such a short amountof time. I can't believe it! Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress!
Robbie:Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper.
Ellen:Mr. Maxwell was very kind to print my announcement.
Grandpa:It helps enormously9. Everybody in Riverdalereads his paper.
Richard:Your photo in it helped, too.
Ellen:Thanks to you, Richard. It's a good picture.
Philip:[He enters.]Well, hi, all.
Richard & Robbie:Hi, Dad.
Ellen:Hello, darling.
Philip:May I … may I help?
Marilyn:[She murmurs yes.] Licking envelopes.
Grandpa:I fold the fliers.
Richard:We stuff them.
Philip:And I lick the envelopes.
Robbie:Hey, everybody, Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone. She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now----doing a commercial.
Philip:What channel?
Philip:Five? [He turns on the television.]
[They all watch the TV.]
Boswell:…and if you ask what I care about, I'll tell you. I care about the school buildings in need of paint. I care about more lockers for the teachers. I care about new fixtures in the hallways----not music or dancing or entertainment. I care about the practical things. Ifyou do, vote for me, Carter Boswell.
Ellen:A lot of people will agree with him.
Philip:I told you.
Robbie:Too bad kids can't vote. It's our school, but we can't vote.
Richard:There are people in favor of the cultural programs, Mom.
Marilyn:There are, Ellen. Don't be upset by Boswell's commercial.
Philip:You have to go on television, too.
Ellen:Boswell's a powerful speaker.
Philip:You can be, too. Your ideas are good ones.
Ellen:I don't know. I'm not sure I'm up to it.
Here are the fliers, hot off the press! 传单来了, 刚刚印出来!
Looks good. 看起来很好。
Simple. 简单明了。
Right over here, Grandpa. 请到这儿来,爷爷。
You fold the fliers. 你来折传单。
Richard and I will put them into the envelopes. 我和Richard把它们放进信封。
We finished addressing over three hundred envelopes. 我们写了三百多个信件地址了。
Need another box? 需要另一个箱子吗?
Good work, gang. 做得很好,大伙们。
Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨,我是Mike Johnson。
Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? 我可以跟Anderson先生或太太说话吗?
Thanks. 谢谢。
Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生。
Hi. This is Robbie Stewart. 你好。我是Robbie Stewart。
Did you know 你知道
my mother is running for the school board? 我母亲竞选联合校董事会董事的事么?
Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart. 是的, Kim小姐,是Ellen Stewart。
"She cares." “她关心。”
Oh, see you at the polls. 噢,在投票所见。
Certainly. 当然。
I'll give her your best wishes, 我会转告她你的祝福,
Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生。
Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨,我是Mike Johnson。
Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns? 我可以跟Burns先生或太太通话吗?
Thank you. 谢谢。
We have done so much 我们已做了这么多的事
in such a short amount of time. 在这么短的时间内。
I can't believe it! 我简直不敢相信!
Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress. 等着Philip回来看到我们工作的反应。
Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper. 每个人都已看到Riverdale报纸上的新闻。
Mr. Maxwell was very kind Maxwell先生很好心
to print my announcement. 刊登了我宣布竞选的消息。
It helps enormously. 这个帮助很大。
Everybody in Riverdale reads his paper. Riverdale的每个人都读他的报纸。
Your photo in it helped, too. 在报纸上的照片也有帮助。
Thanks to you, Richard, 谢谢你, Richard ,
it's a good picture. 那是一张好照片。
Well, hi, all. 噢,嗨。
Hi, Dad. 你好,爸爸。
Hello, darling. 哈,亲爱的。
May I ... may I help? 我能……我能帮你忙吗?
Licking envelopes. 粘信封。
I fold the fliers. 我折传单。
We stuff them. 我们装传单。
And I lick the envelopes. 那我就粘信封 。
Hey, everybody, 嗨,大家听着,
Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone. Greenberg太太打电话
She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now-- 她说Carter Boswell现在正在电视上----
doing a commercial. 正在做广告。
What channel? 哪个频道?
Five. 5号。
Five? 5号?
... and if you ask what I care about, I'll tell you. ……假如你们问我关心什么,我可以告诉你们。
I care about the school buildings in need of paint. 我关心学校的建筑物需要粉刷。
I care about more lockers for the teachers. 我关心教师要有更多的储物柜。
I care about new fixtures in the hallways-- 我关心走廊的新灯具---
not music or dancing or entertainment. 而不是音乐,舞蹈或者娱乐。
I care about the practical things. 我关心实用的事物。
If you do, vote for me, Carter Boswell. 假如你有同感请投我一票,Carter Boswell。
A lot of people will agree with him. 许多人会赞同他。
I told you. 我告诉过你了。
Too bad kids can't vote. 可惜小孩不能投票。
It's our school, but we can't vote. 那是我们的学校,可是我们却不能投票。
There are people in favor of the cultural programs, Mom. 会有许多人赞成文化活动的,妈妈。
There are, Ellen. 一定有,Ellen。
Don't be upset by Boswell's commercial. 不要为了Boswell的广告而忧心。
You have to go on television, too. 你也应该上电视。
Boswell's a powerful speaker. Boswell是个有辩才的家伙。
You can be, too. 你也能做到。
Your ideas are good ones. 你的想法很好。
I don't know. 我不知道。
I'm not sure I'm up to it. 我不能肯定我是否能做得来。
He's probably right.
I'm serious.
I'm with you.
Right over here, Grandpa.
It helps enormously.
I'm not sure I'm up to it.
Leave it to me.
It's not over yet.
Let's just all calm down.
I appreciate your kind words.
Changes to Come in U. S. Education
The biggest "infrastructure" challenge for the United States in the next decade is not the billions needed for railroads, highways and energy. It is the American school system, from kindergarten through the Ph.D. program and the postgraduate education of adults. And it requires something far scarcer than money - thinking and risk-taking.
The challenge is not one of expansion. On the contrary, the rapid growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come to an end. By 1978, more than 93 percent of young people entering the labor force had at least an eighth-grade education. So even if the birthrate should rise somewhat, little expansion is possible for elementary and secondary school enrollments.
The last 30 years social upheaval are also over. Busing will continue to be highly emotional issue in a good many large cities. And there will still be efforts to use schools to bring women into fields such as engineering that have traditionally been considered "male." But this shift has already been accomplished in many fields: half or more of the accounting students in graduate schools of business, for example, are now women. As for most other social issues, the country will no longer try to use schools to bring about social reform. It's becoming increasingly clear to policy makers that schools cannot solve all the problems of the larger community.
Instead, the battle cry for the '90s will be the demand for performance and accountability. For 30 years, employers have been hiring graduates for their degrees rather than their abilities; employment, pay and often even promotion have depended on one's diploma. Now many major employers are beginning to demand more than the completion of school. Some of the major banks, for example, are studying the possibility of entrance examinations that would test the knowledge and abilities of graduates applying for jobs.
Students and parents, too, will demand greater accountability from schools, on all levels. It will be increasingly common to go to law against school districts and colleges for awarding degrees without imparting the skills that are supposed to go along with them. And many young people are already switching to practical "hard" subjects. Caring little about the so-called "youth culture" and the media, they have been shifting from psychology into medicine, from sociology into accounting and from black studies into computer programming.
Demand for education is actually going up, not down. What is going down, and fairly fast, is demand for traditional education in traditional schools.
Indeed, the fastest growing industry in America today may be the continuing professional education of highly schooled adults. Much of it takes place outside the education establishment - through companies, hospitals and government departments that run courses for managerial and professional employees; or through management associations and trade associations. In the meantime, any number of private enterprises are organizing courses, producing training films and tapes and otherwise taking advantage of growth opportunities that universities shy away from.
The demand for continuing education does not take the from that most observers, including this writer, originally expected - namely, "Great Books" classes for adults wanting to learn about the humanities, the arts, the "life of the mind." We face instead a growing demand for advanced professional education: in engineering and medicine, in accounting and journalism, in law and in administration and management.
Yet the adults who come back for such studies also demand what teachers of professional subjects are so rarely able to supply: a humanistic perspective that can integrate advanced professional and technical knowledge into a broader universe of experience and learning. Since these new students also need unconventional hours - evenings, weekends or high-intensity courses that stuff a term's work into two weeks - their demands for learning bring a vague but real threat to the school establishment.
The greatest challenge to education is likely to come from our new opportunities for diversity. We now have the chance to apply the basic findings of psychological, developmental and educational research over the last 100 years: namely, that no one educational method fits all children.
Almost all children are capable of attaining the same standards within a reasonable period of time. All but a few babies, for instance, learn to walk by the age of two and to talk by the age of three, but no two get there quite the same way.
So too at higher levels. Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline. Others gain success in the less structured "permissive" atmosphere of a "progressive" school. Some adults learn out of books, some learn by doing, some learn best by listening. Some students need prescribed daily doses of information; others need challenge and a high degree of responsibility for the design of their own work. But for too long, teachers have insisted that there is one best way to teach and learn, even though they have disagreed about what that way is.
A century ago, the greatest majority of Americans lived in communities so small that only one one-room schoolhouse was within walking distance of small children. Then there had to be "one right method" for everybody to learn.
Today the great majority of pupils in the United States (and all developed countries) live in big cities with such density that there can easily be three or four elementary schools - as well as secondary schools within each child's walking or bicycling distance. This enables students and their parents to choose between alternative routes to learning offered by competing schools.
Indeed, competition and choice are already beginning to infiltrate the school system. Private schools and colleges have shown an unusual ability to survive and develop during a period of rising costs and dropping enrollments elsewhere. All this presents, of course, a true threat to the public school establishment. But economics, student needs and our new understanding of how people learn are bound to break the traditional education monopoly just as trucks and airplanes broke the monopoly of the railroads, and computers and "chips" are breaking the telephone monopoly.
In the next 10 or 15 years we will almost certainly see strong pressures to make schools responsible for thinking through what kind of learning methods are appropriate for each child. We sill almost certainly see great pressure, from parents and students alike, for result-focused education and for accountability in meeting objectives set for individual students. The continuing professional education of highly educated adults will become a third tier in addition to undergraduate and professional or graduate work. Above all, attention will shift back to schools and education as the central capital investment and infrastructure of a "knowledge society."