A Piece of Cake ACT I 没问题 ACT III视频
A Piece of Cake ACT I 没问题 ACT III教师讲解版视频
In the Stewarts' kitchen a little later. Richard is drinking a soda. Marilyn is writing a grocery list.
Marilyn:[counting] Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. That's six steaks.
Richard:Don't forget Susan.
Marilyn:Seven steaks. _________________1___________________ [She points to her list. ]The shopping:the
salad:tomatoes, lettuce, cocumbers and onions. The main course:steak and potatoes. Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people?
Richard:Marilyn, I have to tell you something. At today's exercise class…
Marilyn:Yes, Richard.
Richard:Well, I didn't really exercise.
Marilyn:I knew it!
Richard:______________2__________________ [He laughs.]I'm sorry, Marilyn.
Marilyn:I don't understand. Did you exercise or not?
Richard:No. Instead of exercising, I photographed the class.
Marilyn:And you didn't exercise?
Marilyn:There's another advanced class today at four o'clock, We'll go together.
Richard:What about the bet?
Marilyn:Oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries. Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.
Richard:You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.
Marilyn:Including Susan. Four o'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me.
[They shake hands and laugh.]
Later, at the aerobics class. Marilyn and Richard are exercising to music. They are following the instructor's and Jack's directions.
Jack:Don't forget to breathe.
Instructor:Skip, hop, front. Twist…again…. OK, now…scissors.
Richard:This is fun.It's a piece of cake.
Marilyn:Yeah. Just wait.
Instructor:5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, pony, pony… 1, 2, 3, kick… 1, 2, 3, kick…pony. And twist, twist.
Jack:OK. Let's pick up the pace.
[Richard is getting tired.]
Marilyn:How are you doing, Richard?
Richard:I can barely move.
Instructor:2, 3, 4, front. Now we're going to run it off. Front… knees up, knees up.
Jack:OK. Finish off by jogging in place. OK. Keep those knees up. All right. That's it for today. Thank you, everyone. See you next week.
Richard:[to Marilyn] Thank you, Jack, but no thank you.
Marilyn:The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh?
[Richard slowly falls to the floor.]
Richard:No, no, you were right. I was wrong.
Marilyn:Come on, Richard. Get up. Let's go. You have to cook dinner for the entire family.
Richard:Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move.
Marilyn:Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake. [She snaps her fingers.]
Jack:Excuse me, Richard, Marilyn.
Richard:You are a terrific instructor, Jack.
Jack:Thanks. But I have a question. Is this your very first advanced aerobics class?
Richard:[He laughs. ] Yes. It is.
Jack:You are in great shape, Richard. Very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time.
Marilyn:It's true. You are in great shape.
Marilyn:I think we'll cook dinner together.
[They smile and kiss.]
1.Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy.
2.I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer.
我真的想参加,但Jack Davis要我拍照。
1.Marilyn, I have to tell you something.
2.Instead of exercising, I photographed the class.
Instead of没有……而是……,也可以用rather than.
3.Oh, the bet is still on.
4.This is fun.It's a piece of cake.
表达对某事的喜爱,说某事很有趣。a piece of cake还是说很简单的意思。回顾一下,前两次学到的关于很简单的短语都是怎么说的:It's a snap.very easy.No sweat.
5.Let's pick up the pace=move more quickly
6.How are you doing, Richard?
7.Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move.
非常累,还可以说:I'm very tired./I'm worn out.
1.grocery list:日用品采购单。一般美国家庭主妇,生活都相当忙碌,即使没有上班,也要忙着开车接送小孩,或参予社区服务,或从事社交活动,因此能用来采购食品杂物的时间极少,通常一星期只上一次超级市场(supermarket),一次购足,因此详列采购单,是很重要的工作之一。在商场里常见的景象,是主妇们人手一纸,边对着项目,边从物品架上取货,更有些节俭成性的主妇们,手里抓一大把折扣券(discount coupons),按图索骥地选购,积少成多,可以省下不少钱。
2.由于美国谋生困难,一般家庭夫妻都要工作(称为dual-income families),因此丈夫多能体贴妻子兼理内外的辛劳,而愿意主动帮助干家事,除了负担庭院工作之外,多数帮忙洗碗等杂务。另外在请客吃烤肉餐(Barbecue)时(美国夏季最流行的请客方式),更常由男主人掌炉,担任烤肉的重大责任。
1. The price will go down.
个人经验 go down 跟 go up 这两个片语很好用。当你不知道用什么动词来表示increase 和 decrease的意思时,用 goes up/ down 就可以。像是有一次我去买汽车保险,我一直想问他如果我一年当中都没有理赔,那明年的保费会不会降低? 这个"降低"我就一直想不出是用 decrease 好还是 lower 好,结果后来我听他说:The price will go down. 是不是听来很顺。再说一个例子,比如做实验时浓度上升,这个上升你可以说 increase,也可以说 The concentration goes up. 听起来是不是也不错?
另外类似的口语讲法,你可以用 rise 跟 drop 来代表 go up 和 go down。例如:The price will drop.
2. We have a clearance sale today.
Clearance sale 算是固定的用法,就是所谓的“清仓大甩卖”。如果我们去店里要找这些甩卖的商品,我们可以问店员:Where can I find the clearance items? 所谓的 clearance item 就是“清仓货,断码货”的意思。odd sizes 也表示“断码货”的意思
Wang: Can anyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food?
Frank: There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street.I’ll come and give you a hand.
Wang: That is good of you.
Frank: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?
Wang: I’m after things to stuff dumplings with, like Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, that sort of thing. I also need some Soya sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.
Frank: The fruit and vegetables are over there.
Wang: Pork. Where’s the meet counter?
Frank: Over there.