日期:2020-11-24 09:22




Your earwax could be a window into your mental health, researchers have suggested.

A study of 37 participants has shown a build-up of the stress hormone cortisol can be measured from the oily secretions around your ear canal.

This could open the door to better ways of diagnosing psychiatric conditions including depression, according to lead author Dr Andres Herane-Vives.


1. earwax n. 耳垢,耳屎

2. a window into sth. 通往……的窗口

· Studying history gives you a window into the past.


3. participant n. 参与者

4. build-up n. 不断增加

5. stress hormone cortisol 压力荷尔蒙,皮质醇

· stress hormone 压力荷尔蒙

· cortisol n. 皮质醇

6. oily secretions 油性分泌物

7. open the door to 打开一扇通往某处的门,给某事创造机会

· Going to university opened the door to a whole new world for her.


8. diagnose v. 诊断

9. psychiatric condition 精神疾病

· psychiatric adj. 精神病的

· condition n. (医学)健康状况;疾病

10. author n. 发起者

lead author 主要发起者
