夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第588期:替代方案被否 脱欧再陷迷局
日期:2019-04-09 07:55



None of MPs' eight proposed Brexit options have secured clear backing in a series of votes in the Commons. The options - which included a customs union with the EU and a referendum on any deal - were supposed to help find a consensus over how to leave the EU. Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay said the results strengthened ministers' view their deal was "the best option".

option: n. 选项;选择
alternative: n. 供替代的选择
choice n. 选择
secure: vt. 获得 adj. 安全的
security n. 安全
backing: n. 支持
back n. 后面 vt. 支持
referendum: n. 公投
consensus: n. 共识

