夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第672期:新首相就任 英美关系走暖
日期:2019-08-05 07:51



Relations between the UK and the US are going to be "sensational" now Boris Johnson is in Downing Street, America's ambassador to the UK has said. Woody Johnson told the BBC the two had a lot in common in their leadership style and desire to "get things done". He played down the PM's criticism of Mr Trump when he was London mayor, when he called him "stupefyingly ignorant”.

relation: n. 关系
relationship: n. 关系
champion: n. 冠军
championship: n. 冠军地位;冠军称号
friend: n. 朋友
friendship: n. 友谊
member: n. 会员
membership: n. 会员制
sensational: adj. 极好的;令人震惊的
terrific: adj. 极好的
now: conj. 既然
ambassador: n. 大使
play down: 淡化
mayor: n. 市长
stupefying: adj. 令人震惊地
stupefy: vt. 使惊讶;使震惊
stupid: adj. 愚蠢的;糊涂的
ignorant: adj. 无知

