高级英语第一册(MP3+中英字幕) 第10课:大不列颠望洋兴叹(2)
日期:2015-12-04 17:17


Unlike the rest of British industry, ship-owners invested big. In the early 1960s, the shipping companies cashed in on government grants and tax concessions.
与英国其他各行业情形不同的是,海运业的船主们花了大本 钱投资。60年代初期,英国的海运公司利用政府资助和减税等有利条件大发其财。
Between 1966 and 1976, British shipping lines invested at a rate of over 1 million a day. By the early 1970s, it seemed that, some-where in the world, a new British ship was being launched every week.
在1966至1976年间,英国海运业的投资率每天竟超 过100万英镑。到70年代初,几乎每个星期就有一艘新的英国船只 在世界的某个港口下水。
The result is that Britain has a very modern fleet: the average age of our merchant ships is only six years, and over half the fleet is under five years old.
结果是英国拥有了一支非常现代化的商业船队:我们的船只的平均年龄只有6年,而且一半以上的船只投 入使用还不到五年。
For some time now, British shipping managers have stayed ahead of the competition by investing in the most sophisticated ships.
在目前这一阶段,英国海运业的经营者们在投 资建造最先进的船只这方面是走在了其他国家的竞争对手的前头。
The other major factor which has played a key role in the dominance of the British merchant navy is an institution invented by the British well over 100 years ago: the conference.
In the middle of the 19th century, competition between sailing-ships and steam-ships became out-throat, and price cutting ruined many long-established companies.
19世纪中叶,帆船与汽船之间的竞争愈演愈烈,已到了你死我 活的程度,由竞争所带来的降价使得许多历史悠久的船运公司纷纷破产。
So the ship owners got together to establish a more settled system, and they set up a system of price fixing. In other words, every possible type of cargo had a price, which all owners agreed to charge.
It was, in fact, a cartel, though the British ship owners gave it the more dignified name of a conference.
The system has certainly stood the test of time. Today, there are about 300 conferences governing the trade-routes of the world, and the British still play a major role.
By reducing competition, shipping conferences have taken some of the risk out of the dodgy business of moving goods by sea.
They make it harder, perhaps, to make a big killing in good times, because you have to share the trade with other conference members.
But they make it easier to weather the bad times, because there is no mad, competitive scramble for the available trade.

  • settledadj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle
  • cargon. 货物,船货
  • merchantn. 商人,店主,专家 adj. 商业的 vt. 做买卖
  • factorn. 因素,因子 vt. 把 ... 因素包括进去 vi
  • dominancen. 支配(控制,统治,权威,优势)
  • sophisticatedadj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的
  • competitiveadj. 竞争的,比赛的
  • institutionn. 机构,制度,创立
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的