第一册 第3课:沙漠中的捕鱼船队(2)
日期:2015-03-11 10:03


At the very bottom of the earth, high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, with the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky, I stood in the unbelievable coldness and talked with a scientist in the late fall of 1988 about the tunnel he was digging through time.
1988年的晚秋,在位于地球最底部的南极,午夜眩目的阳光穿过天空的臭氧层空洞照耀着。天气冷得令人难以置信。我站在横贯南极的山脉高处,同一位科学家谈论着他正在穿 过时间挖凿的隧道。
Slipping his parka back to reveal a badly burned face that was cracked and peeling, he pointed to the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier on which we were standing.
He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago. "Here's where the U. S Congress passed the Clean Air Act," he said.
他把手指顺着年层的时间往回移动,停在20 年前形成的冰层那个地方。“这是美国国会通过《净化空气法案》的地方,”他说。
At the bottom of the world, two continents away from Washington, D. C., even a small reduction in one country's emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the remotest and 1east accessible place on earth.
But the most significant change thus far in the earth's atmosphere is the one that began with the industrial revo1ution early in the last century and has picked up speed ever since.
Industry meant coal, and later oil, and we began to burn lots of it-bringing rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), with its ability to trap more heat in the atmosphere and slowly warm the earth.

  • coren. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去果核
  • pollutionn. 污染,污染物
  • reductionn. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分
  • glaringadj. 耀眼的,炫目的,怒视的 动词glare的现在分
  • samplen. 样品,样本 vt. 采样,取样 adj. 样
  • trapn. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车 v. 设圈套,陷入
  • glaciern. 冰河,冰川
  • accessibleadj. 可得到的,易接近的,可进入的
  • tunneln. 隧道,地道 v. 挖隧道,挖地道
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门