高级英语第一册(MP3+中英字幕) 第6课:互相作用的生活(4)
日期:2015-08-06 16:37


To some degree, viewers already have accepted a certain amount of fake interactivity by channel surfing with their remotes, ordering pay-for-view movies and running up their credit-card bills on the Home Shopping Network.
Moving beyond phase one, into what Caruso calls "true interactive," will require major changes in the technological and regulatory infrastructure.
Today's television cables will likely be replaced by fiber-optic cables, which are capable of transmitting much more data at higher speeds.
Either a government agency or the communications industry itself will have to set a performance standard so that different networks can connect with each other.
At home, viewers may have to learn to use a TV monitor that functions more like a computer screen fronting for a gigantic hard disc full of all kinds of data, everything from games and movies to specially created programs.
The shows of the future may be the technological great grandchildren of current CD-ROM titles.
These are compact discs that store data instead of music and can play on either television or computer screens.
To play CD-ROMs today, you need a special machine. There are at least four models on the market, and titles produced for one format won't play on another.
CD-ROMs do provide e glimpse of what the future might hold, however. A number of companies, including Newsweek, are developing multimedia products that combine text, video, sound and still photographs.
The result is what may someday be a powerful new medium With no set story line as in a book or magazine.
