高级英语第一册(MP3+中英字幕) 第6课:互相作用的生活(7)
日期:2015-08-13 16:28


In the past decade, the amount of data that could be put on a silicon chip has doubled every year while the price has been cut in half. In 1960, a high-quality transistorcost several dollars. Today a chip with the capacity of 4 million transistors costs about a tenth of a cent per transistor.
Transmission-putting that information into the hands of everyone who wants it-is also much more efficient. Until now, data have been sent as a series of electrical signals along wires or cables or through the air as radio waves. But as the amount of data and the demand for them have increased, these electronic highways have become clogged. The solution: fiber optics.
Both of these developments are possible because of digitalization , a mathematical scheme that translates data into the simplest form. Called binary formatting, the sys-tem expresses numbers and letters in a code using only 1 and 0. The letter A, for example, could be 00000. Z would be 11001. Originally, this code was stored as on-or-off electrical charges along the standard wires and cables; now it can be transmitted as pulses of light on the fiber-op-tic cables. Bringing high-speed computers into the loop means that much more complicated information can be digitized: combinations of sound, still images, video and text. Multimedia is the wrong word, says MIT's Negroponte. Everything has now become digitized, he says. We have created a unimedia, really. Bits are bits.
