高级英语第一册(MP3+中英字幕) 第4课:讹诈(10)
日期:2015-07-07 11:53


A trim ring.
Is it traceable?
Ogilvie nodded affirmatively. They can figure what kind o' car it's from-make, model, an' maybe the year, or close to it. Same thing with the glass. But with your car being foreign, it'll likely take a few days.
But after that, she persisted, the police will know they're looking for a Jaguar?
I reckon that 's so.
Today was Tuesday. From all that this man said, they had until Friday or Saturday at best. With calculated coolness the Duchess reasoned: the situation came down to one essential. Assuming the hotel man was bought off, their only chance -- a slim one -- lay in removing the car quickly, If it could be got north, to one of the big cities where the New Orleans tragedy and search would be unknown, repairs could be made quietly, the incriminating evidence removed. Then, even if suspicion settled on the Croydons later, nothing could be proved. But how to get the car away?
Undoubtedly what this oafish detective said was true: As well as Louisiana, the other states through which the car would have to pass would be alert and watchful. Every highway patrol would be on the lookout for a damaged head-light with a missing trim ring. There would probably be road-blocks. It would be hard not to fall victim to some sharpeyed policeman.
But it might be done. If the car could be driven at night and concealed by day.
