高级英语第一册(MP3+中英字幕) 第8课:词典的用途(2)
日期:2015-10-14 15:46


So monstrous a discrepancy in evaluation requires us to examine basic principles.Just what's a dictionary for? What does it propose to do? What does the common reader go to a dictionary to find? What has the purchaser of a dictionary a right to expect for his money?
Before we look at basic principles, it is necessary to interpose two brief statements. The first of these is that a dictionary is concerned with words. Some dictionaries give various kinds of other useful information. Some have tables of weights and measures on the flyleaves.Some list historical events and some, home remedies.And there's nothing wrong with their so doing. But the great increase in our vocabulary in the past three decades compels all dictionaries to make more efficient use of their space.And if something must be eliminated , it is sensible to throw out these extraneous things and stick to words.
The second brief statement is that there has been even more progress in the making of dictionaries in the past thirty years than there has been in the making of automobiles The difference, for example, between the much-touted Second International (1934) and the much-clouted Third International (1961) is not like the difference between yearly models but like the difference between the horse and buggy and the automobile. Between the appearance of these two editions a whole new science related to the making of dictionaries, the science of descriptive linguistics, has come into being.
Modern linguistics ge, ts its charter from Leonard Bloomfield's Language (1933). Bloomfield's for thirteen years professor of Germanic philology at the University of Chicago and for nine years professor of linguistics at Yale, was one of those inseminating scholars who can't be relegated to any department and don't dream of accepting established categories and procedures just because they're established. He was as much an anthropologist as a linguist, and his concepts of language were shaped not by Strunk's Elements of Style but by his knowledge of Cree Indian dialects.

  • interposev. 插入,插嘴,介于 ... 之间
  • anthropologistn. 人类学家
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • chartern. 宪章,特许,(船、机、车等的)租赁 vt. 特许,
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • evaluationn. 估价,评价
  • descriptiveadj. 描述的,叙述的 [计算机] 描述性的
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • linguisticsn. 语言学
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉