双语美文之那些似水流年 第109期:荷塘月色(3)
日期:2014-09-01 16:00


Far and near, high and low around the pool were trees, most of them willows. These trees had the pool entirely hemmed in, the only small clearings left being those by the path, apparently intended for the moon. All the trees were somber as dense smoke, but among them you could make out the luxuriant willows, while faintly above the tree-tops loomed distant hills-their general outline only. And between the trees appeared one or two street lamps, listless as the eyes of someone drowsy. The liveliest sounds at this hour were the cicadas chirruping on the trees and the frogs croaking in the pool; but this animation was theirs alone, I had no part in it.
荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,而杨柳最多。这些树将一片荷塘重重围住;只在小路一旁,漏着几段空隙,像是特为月光留下的。树色一例是阴阴的,乍看像一团烟雾;但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。 这时候最热闹的,要数树上的蝉声与水里的蛙声;但热闹是它们的,我什么也没有。
Then lotus-gathering flashed into my mind. This was an old custom south of the Yangtse, which apparently originated very early and was most popular in the period of the Six Kingdoms,as we see from the songs of the time. The lotus were picked by girls in small boats, who sang haunting songs as they padded. They turned out in force, we may be sure, and there were spectators too, for that was a cheerful festival and a romantic one. We have a good account of it in a poem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers.

  • animationn. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • intendedadj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.
  • somberadj. 微暗的,阴天的,阴森的,忧郁的,严肃的,严峻的
  • listlessadj. 无精打采的
  • cheerfuladj. 高兴的,快乐的
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • hauntingadj. 不易忘怀的 动词haunt的现在分词
  • luxuriantadj. 繁茂的,丰富的,肥沃的,奢华的
  • outlinen. 轮廓,大纲 vt. 概述,画出轮廓