胡敏读故事记托福单词 第80期:The Middle School Student 一个中学生
日期:2012-10-17 11:48



The Middle School Student
“The duration of your study time is becoming shorter and shorter,” Mary said to her son, as she tried to brighten the dusky appearance of his room.
“You used to be a dynamic student.
I'm going to start restricting your TV time if you don't start studying harder.”
“I can't study under duress,” Tom replied.
“Besides, after dusk, I feel so tired.
My school subjects are so boring this year.”
“As long as you dwell in my dwelling, you will need to follow my rules,” said Mary with a firm tone in her voice.
“I have to economize every month just to pay your private school tuition.
Now tell me exactly what you are studying.”
“Well, in art class, we're learning to dye our tee shirts,” Tom replied.
“In oceanography class, we're studying the theory behind wave dynamics and ebb currents.
In Chinese history class, we're reading about the emperors of the Tang Dynasty.
In astronomy class, we're examining the last full eclipse of the sun.
In philosophy class, we're practicing eclecticism.
In botany class, we're dissecting dwarf plans.
In biology class, our professor is teaching us about ecological diversity.”
“Is your biology teacher an ecologist?” Mary asked.
“Yes, and he is a bit eccentric,” Tom replied.
“He wears the exact same clothes every day.”
“Some intellectuals are known for their eccentricity,” Mary added.
“What do you think of his teaching ability?”
“I find it to be very good,” replied Tom.
“I'm always eager to study for his class.”
“Good,” replied Mary with a smile.
“I'll be expecting you to score an ‘A' in that class.”


duration n. 持续的时间

duress n. 强迫,监禁

dusk n. 薄暮,黄昏

dusky adj. 微暗的,肤色黑的

dwarf n. 侏儒 vt. 把。。。显得矮小

dwell vi. 居住,生活于

dwelling adj. 住处,寓所

dye n. 颜料,染料;vt. 染色

dynamic adj. 动力的;动态的,有活力的

dynamics n. 动力学

dynasty n. 朝代,王朝

eager adj. 渴望的,热心的

ebb n. 退潮;v. 退潮,衰退

eccentric adj./n. 古怪的(人),异常的(人)

eccentricity n. 反常,怪癖

eclecticism n. 折衷主义

eclipse n. 日食,月食;vt. 使失色;盖过

ecological adj. 生态的,生态学的

ecologist n. 生态学者

economize vi. 节约,节省

  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • eclecticismn. 折衷主义
  • ecologistn. 生态学家
  • dynamicadj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的 n. 动力,动力学
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • tonen. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调 vt. 使更健壮,装
  • economizev. 节约,节省,有效地利用 =economise(英)
  • scoren. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱 vt. 记分,刻划,划线,
  • astronomyn. 天文学
  • durationn. 持续时间,期间