西方人将酒大致分成三类:1. liquor 烈酒,包括brandy 白兰地、whiskey 威士忌、vodka 伏特加、tequila[tə'ki:lə, tei'ki:lɑ:] 龙舌兰等;2. beer 啤酒;3. wine 葡萄酒和水果酒。除此之外,还有cocktail 鸡尾酒、mixed drink 调酒、liqueur利口酒(具甜味而芳香的烈酒)。
好朋友一起喝酒,往往未动筷吃菜就先干三杯,"Cheers"之声不绝于耳,而且必须Bottoms up(干杯,杯底不要养金鱼)。干杯还有其他的英文说法,Let’s make a toast.是其中一个。据说,从前人们在喝酒的时候,为了加重酒味,会在杯子里放一小片土司,而这就是这句话的由来。
英文中喝酒喝很多的人是heavy drinkers(酒鬼,就像把瘾君子叫做heavy smokers一样),而形容一个人喝很多酒、很会喝酒则是drink like a fish,即牛饮、海量。
喜欢喝酒的人不仅自己喝,也喜欢劝别人喝。劝酒就是强迫别人喝酒,英文叫做force others to drink。
What’s Offensive: Every culture has different traditions when it comes to drinking etiquette. Fail to consume a vodka shot in one gulp in Russia, and your host will not be impressed. Refill your own wine glass in France without offering more to the rest of the table, and you’ve made a faux pas. In South Korea, women can pour only men’s drinks--not other women’s--and if you want a refill, you need to drain your glass. And if you’re in Latin America, never pour with your left hand--that’s bad luck.
What You Should Do Instead: Until you’re culturally fluent, leave it to your pals to pour.
1 quit drinking 戒酒
想表达滴酒不沾的意思,可以说:I don’t want to drink anything with alcohol。
2 借酒浇愁
My wife drives me to drink
3 再来一杯
如果你已经点了一杯酒,但后来又想点二杯,你就可以说:Make it two. 或者Make that a double, please.
4 喝醉了
喝醉的人很少会承认自己喝醉,他们总是喜欢说:Let’s go bar-hopping. 咱们再喝一轮。Let’s drink till we drop. 一醉方休。
如果要说自己醉了的话,就是:I am drunk. 俚语的说法可以把 drunk 换成afloat, all at sea。还有一个跟醉酒有关的词叫 hangover ['hæŋəuvə]宿醉,也就是指喝醉酒后隔天早上醒来头痛等等的症状。