1. You have driven me into a corner, so I guess I have to give in.
Drive sb into a corner:让某人别无选择
2. The cab driver drove between the airport and downtown more than twelve times in one day.
Drive between……
3. Your trouble with the police has driven me to the brink/edge! The next time you are arrested, I will not get you out of jail.
drive sb to the brink/edge:使某人崩溃
4. She was driven to drink by the problems she had with her teenage son.
Be driven to drink by:为……心烦
5.All this bickering has, I'm afraid, driven a wedge between us.
drive a wedge between:在…中打一个楔子;分裂…,破坏…之间的关系,造成…不和,使…产生裂痕
6.We must drive home to her where the difficulties lie.
drive home to:使人理解到;向……讲明白
7.You are driving me up the wall with all your stupid remarks
Drive sb up the wall:使某人恼火
8.I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at?
in the driving seat:[比喻]有影响力,有控制权;掌权
drive at:用意所在
a back seat driver:比喻指手画脚的人