Some people borrow money and "forget" to pay it back. Large loans are seldom the issue; they are usually treated as business transactions, with the terms spelled out on paper. But many women suffer in silence over problems like Carol's "My friend Ginny is always short of cash," she says. "I hate to recall how often I've 'loaned' her a dollar or two for a drink or a movie. Each loan is so small I'd feel really cheap making a big deal out of it; still, I do resent the fact that she never pays me back."
有些人借钱以后会“忘记”还 。大额贷款很少出现这种问题,因为大额贷款通常被当作商业交易处理,相关条款要用书面形式落实 。但是许多女性会默默地承受一些问题,比如卡罗尔,她说,“我朋友金妮总是缺钱,我不想回忆我‘借’给她一两美元或是给她买饮料请她看电影的次数有多频繁 。每次她借的钱都很少,我觉得这点钱没什么;不过我还是对她从来不还我钱这件事感到很生气 。”
Carol admits to being "too embarrassed or something" to demand repayment, but she has resolved to stop lending money to Ginny. "The last time she asked for five dollars to pay for her dry cleaning, I just told her I couldn't spare it."
卡罗尔承认,让对方还钱太尴尬了,不过她决定不再借钱给金妮了 。“上次她管我借5美元付干洗费,我告诉她我没有多余的钱 。”
Another woman suggests a bolder response. "When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says. "‘I left home without my wallet,' I'll say. 'Can you lend me enough to cover lunch?' Then, when the money is safely in hand, I am struck by a sudden realization. 'Why, this is exactly the amount I loaned you last week! How convenient! Now you won't have to repay me!'" She says it works like a charm.
另一名女性建议用更直白的回答 。她说,“有人拒绝还钱时,我会反过来去借钱,我会说‘我从家里出来忘了带钱包了,你能借我钱让我买午饭吗?’然后,当我拿到钱时,我会像突然意识到一样,说‘这正好是上周我借你的钱数!多方便啊!现在你也不用还我钱了!’”她说这种方法挺有效的 。