日期:2016-07-06 11:29


And each autumn, when the Yeehats follow the moose, there is one valley that they will not go into.

每年秋天, 当印第安人追赶驼鹿的时候, 有一个山谷他们从来不进去。

In the summers there is one visitor to that valley: a large, goldenbrown wolf, larger than any other wolf.

在夏天的时候, 山谷里只有一个探访者:一头高大金褐色的狼, 比任何一头狼都高大。

He walks alone round the lake where the yellow gold shines in the water, and howls.

他沿着湖边走着, 嗥叫着, 水底的黄金闪烁着光芒。

But he is not always alone.


In the long winter nights, he runs at the head of the wolf pack through the moonlight, calling into the night with them, singing a song from a younger world.

在漫长的冬夜, 他带领狼群在月光下跑过, 同他们一起在夜晚呼喊着, 在一个更有生气的世界里唱着歌。
