日期:2016-06-29 10:26


In the autumn they came to a strange, flat country, with many lakes.

秋天的时候他们来到一个奇特而平坦的国度, 有许多湖泊。

They travelled on through the winter and met nobody, but once they found an old wooden house, with an old gun in it.

他们跋涉了整整一个冬天, 没有碰到一个人。但是他们曾经发现过一座古式的木屋, 还有屋内一杆旧枪。

When the spring came, they found, not the lost mine, but a lake in a wide valley.

当春天又来临的时候, 他们发现的不是那座下落不明的金矿, 而是一个位于宽阔峡谷中的湖泊。

Through the shallow water the gold showed like yellow butter, and here their search ended.

透过浅浅的湖水, 金子就像黄澄澄的奶油一样。他们的搜寻到此结束了。

There was gold worth thousands of dollars in the lake, and they worked every day, filling bag after bag with gold.

湖中的金子价值连城, 他们每天都工作, 装满了一袋又一袋的金子。

The dogs had nothing to do except watch the men and eat the food which the men shot for them.

狗无所事事, 只好看人们工作和吃人们打来的野味。

Buck spent many evenings sitting by the fire.


As he sat, he saw again his dream world, where the strange hairy man sat next to him.

当他蹲坐在那里时, 他又一次看到了他梦中的世界, 那个奇怪的毛发浓密的人坐在他的旁边。

He also heard something calling him into the forest.


Sometimes, in the middle of the day, he lifted his head and listened, and then ran off into the forest.

有时正值正午, 他就抬头聆听着, 然后就会蹿进森林里。

One night he woke up and heard the call again, a long howl.

一天晚上他从睡梦中醒来, 又听到那呼唤, 长长的嗥叫。
