日期:2016-07-04 10:28


Nothing could stop him, and soon the Yeehats were running, wild with fear, back to the forest Buck followed for some time, then returned to the camp.

没有任何人能制止他, 于是很快印第安人就在恐惧的狂乱中逃进了森林。巴克追赶了一阵, 就返回了营地。

He found Pete, killed in his bed.


He followed Thornton's smell to a deep pool, and found Skeet lying dead by the edge.

他嗅着桑顿的气味找到了一个深水潭, 发现斯开特倒毙在潭边。

Thornton's body was somewhere under the water.


All day Buck stayed by the pool or walked restlessly round the camp.

整整一天巴克呆在水潭边, 闻或围着营地不停地奔走。

But when the evening came, he heard new sounds from the forest;the wolves had come south for the winter, and were moving into Buck's valley.

但是当夜暮降临的时候, 他听到森林中传出新的声响;狼群来到南方过冬了, 他们正朝着巴克的山谷而来。

They came into the camp in the moonlight, and Buck stood silently, waiting for them.


Suddenly, the bravest wolf jumped at Buck.In a second, Buck had bitten, and then stood still again.

突然, 一只最勇敢的狼扑向巴克。仅仅一秒钟, 巴克就咬住了他, 然后重新站直。

The wolf was dead behind him.Three more wolves jumped at him, and were killed.

狼死在他的身后。另3条狼又扑了上来, 也死掉了。

Then the pack attacked in a crowd all at once.


But not one of them could bring Buck down;he was too quick, too strong, too clever for them all.

但是没有一头狼能扑倒巴克;他对他们整个来说, 太过迅捷, 太强壮, 也太聪明了。
