日期:2016-07-03 10:28


Five kilometres from the camp, he smelt something strange.

离营地5公里远, 他嗅到了异味,

Something was wrong.He started to run.After a few hundred metres he found the dead body of Blackie, with an arrow through his side.

出事了。他开始奔跑。几百米之后他发现了布莱吉的尸体, 一支羽箭插在他身体的一侧。

Then he found another sledgedog, dying, with an arrow in his neck.

然后他又发现了另一只雪撬狗, 脖子上插着一支羽箭, 奄奄待毙。

Buck was near the camp now, and he could hear voices singing.

现在巴克已经接近营地了, 他听到歌声传来。

Then he saw the body of Hans, lying on his face, with ten or fifteen arrows in his back.

之后他看到了汉斯的尸体, 脸向下俯在地上, 大约有10到15支羽箭插在他的后背上。

Buck was suddenly filled with a wild, burning anger.


The yeehats were dancing around the camp, when they heard a deep and terrible growling.

印第安人正围绕着营地跳舞, 他们听到一声低沉可怕的咆哮。

Buck came out of the trees faster than the north wind, and threw himself on the Yeehats like a mad dog He jumped at the first man, and tore out his throat, killing him at once.

巴克比北风还要迅捷, 从树丛中蹿了出来, 他像一条疯狗一样直扑到印第安人身上去。他扑向第一个人, 撕开了他的喉咙, 令他当场毙命。

He jumped onto a second, then a third man, going each time for the throat.

然后他又扑向第二个人, 然后又是第三个人, 每一次都瞄准咽喉。

The Yeehats could neither escape nor use their arrows.Buck moved like a storm among them, tearing, biting, destroying, in a madness that he had never known before.

印第安人既不能逃走也不能用他们的箭。巴克像暴风雪一样掠过他们, 撕扯, 啃啮, 破坏, 他陷入过去从未有过的疯狂。

  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • buckn. (美元)块钱 n. 钱,鹿皮,(鹿皮等)制物,小伙