新编大学英语四级听力每日训练 第352期
日期:2015-10-08 13:31



Now you'll hear the two long conversations.
Conversation One
A. Running an antique shop.
B. Different kinds of advertisements.
C. Advertising on the newspaper.
D. Launching a weekend program.
A. Different types of ads cost differently.
B. The more expensive an ad is, the more people will notice it.
C. The larger the ad is, the more it costs.
D. The more frequent the ad is, the more it costs.
A. Most people prefer to advertise on weekends.
B. More people pay more attention to ads on weekends.
C. Newspaper ad department is busier on weekends.
D. Advertisements on weekends look more interesting.
A. Work out a program for his wife's new business.
B. Survery what newspapers are more likely to be read by women.
C. Ask his wife for more money and come back the next day.
D. Know more about the antique shop customers.


Now you'll hear the two long conversations.
Conversation One
M: Excuse me, is this the ad department?
W: Sure is. Can I help you?
M: Hi, I'm M Benson... er... I've got a few questions. [19]I'd like to know more about how to advertise in your newspaper.
W: OK. Well, first, have you seen our rate card?
M: Rate card? I'm afraid I don't know anything about it.
W: No problem. We'll take it from the top. Here. This is a rate card. It's a little complicated at first, [20]but it shows you how much various types of ads in our newspaper cost.
M: Gee, I don't know where to start.
W: There are two basics you have to consider. [20]One, how big do you want your ad to be? The larger your ad is, the more it costs... and the more people will notice it.
M: Great, so far. ... Please continue.
W: [20]Second, how often do you want it to be in the paper? Of course, the more frequent your ad is, the more it costs.
M: Yes. I understand. But I have no idea what kind I should choose.
W: There's a rate for running an ad one time, various rates for multiple ads, and additional rates for weekend ads. [21]Weekend ads are more expensive-more people read the paper then and they take longer to look at ads on weekends. May I ask for what you want to advertise?
M: It's for my wife. She's starting an antique shop. Can you give me some suggestions?
W: I can help you work out a program for your wife's new business.
M: When do you recommend we run the ads?
W: [22]If you know who your customers are going to be, we can really help you. For instance, we know what parts of the newspaper are more likely to be read by women... and we know on what days they read it.
M: Amazing. I will ask my wife. She knows a lot more about that than I do. I will come back to you for help tomorrow.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. What is the conversation mainly about?
20. What is not true about the rate of advertising on newspaper?
解析:细节题。女士的介绍非常清晰:广告类型不同价格也不同,主要考虑两点:一是版面大小,二是出现频率。A、C、D分别符合这三条。只有B是对“你的广告版面越大,花费就越多……并且有更多的人注意到它”这句话的断章取义(后面两个the more... 结构是并列关系,不是因果关系),故答案为B。
21. Why is advertisement on weekends more expensive?
22. What does the woman suggest the man do before running the ads?

  • multipleadj. 许多,多种多样的 n. 倍数,并联
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • antiqueadj. 古代的 n. 古物,古董
  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • advertisev. 登广告,为 ... 做广告,宣传
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去
  • frequentadj. 经常的,频繁的 vt. 常到,常去