新编大学英语四级听力每日训练 第307期
日期:2015-05-05 12:21



Section C Compound Dictation
Throughout history the basic unit of almost every human society has been the family. Members of a family live together under the same roof, and they share the economic (36) ______ of life as well as its affectionate joys. It is the family that has (37) ______ responsibility for the important task of raising children to adulthood.
The family is not a uniform concept in all societies. In many places it is an (38) ______ group that includes uncles, aunts, (39) ______ and in-laws. The head of the family usually has considerable influence in arranging marriages, selecting careers and (40) ______ all the important moves and (41) ______ by any member of the family. (42) ______ where the society or the state does not give aid and where (43) ______ the responsibilities of the family are greater, (44) _______________________________________________________ .
In many other societies, including most industrialized ones, the "nuclear family" is the basic social unit. (45) _____________________________________________________________________ . Industrialization and urbanization create many specialized jobs which tend to scatter family members among different employers and thus to separate residences as soon as they become wage earners. (46) _______________________________________________________________ .



36. 答案:burdens
37. 答案:primary
解析:根据后面的名词可知此处需要定语。primary responsibility意为“主要责任”。
38. 答案:extended
39. 答案:cousins
40. 答案:determining
41. 答案:purchases
42. 答案:Particularly
43. 答案:consequently
解析:根据并列结构,此处仍然需要副词。consequently ad. 从而,因此。
44. 标准答案:this larger group provides better protection in times of economic crises or other emergencies
听音关键:large group, better protection, in crises/emergencies
答案重构:(1) this large group provides better protection in (case of) economic crises or other emergencies
(2) the extended group provides better protection when facing economic crises or other emergencies
画龙点睛:此句注意两处比较级、主谓一致、crisis的复数形式crises;emergencies不要漏掉i。此处的larger group就是前文提到的extended group。
45. 标准答案:This term refers to a husband and wife united through marriage and their dependent children, whether natural or adopted
听音关键:term, husband, wife, their dependent children, natural or adopted
答案重构:A nuclear family involves a husband and wife and their natural or adopted children, who depend on them
画龙点睛:这句话是在解释前面的术语,注意下定义的常用短语refer to。若照原文听写,united为过去分词作后置定语,不可漏掉d;whether natural or adopted补充说明孩子的身份。改写的目的往往是为了避免照搬复杂原文时出错,如果能够保证不出错,其实不一定非要改写。
46. 标准答案:The small family, with one or perhaps two incomes, is better able to adapt to rapid change and to move when jobs move
听音关键:small family, two incomes, better, adapt to rapid change, move
答案重构:With one or two incomes, it's easier for the small family to adapt to rapid change and job transfer
画龙点睛:先抓主系表,再补充with短语表达的信息。注意比较结构、be able to后面两个并列动词adapt, move。掌握with短语作定语,对于听力和写作都有帮助。

  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • extendedadj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • industrializationn. 工业化
  • consequentlyadv. 所以,因此
  • specialized专门的 专科的
  • compoundn. 混合物,复合词 n. 院子(用围墙圈起来的场地)
  • extendv. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展
  • transfern. 迁移,移动,换车 v. 转移,调转,调任
  • adaptvt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合