新编大学英语四级听力每日训练 第247期
日期:2014-07-10 12:02



Test 11
Section C
The term biological clock is (36) ______ to the means by which living things (37) ______ their activity patterns, without any (38) ______ cue, to the time of day, or the month, or the year. The biological clocks seem to be beautifully (39) ______ to the needs of living things. They are (40) ______ but little, if at all, by drugs, chemicals, or wide temperature difference-factors which may alter substantially the rates of all ordinary (41) ______ of the body.
The nature of the biological clocks' mechanism is still a (42) ______ . Two quite different theories can (43) ______ for them. According to the first of these theories, (44) ___________________________________ . This is believed to have evolved, aided by natural selection, as an adaptation to the rhythmic environment. It has now become independent of the environment. (45) ________________________________________________ . The setting of their biological clocks, therefore, involves a constant adjustment to subtle environment forces. But the search for the specific timing system has been futile thus far. (46) ____________________________________________________ .


36. applied
解析:be applied to意思是“被应用到……”。注意将y变成i再加-ed。
37. adjust
38. obvious
39. adapted
解析:不要漏掉-ed,be adapted to为固定搭配,意思是“对……适合”。
40. affected
41. processes
42. mystery
43. account
解析:account for是固定搭配,意思是“解释,说明”。不要少写一个c。
44. 标准答案:each individual contains its own independent timing system
听音关键:individual, contains, its own independent timing system
答案重构:1) Each individual has a unique timing system
2) All living things have their own independent timing system
3) The timing systems of all living things differ from one another
画龙点睛:这里的individual是指living things中的“个体”,如果拼写没有把握,可以借鉴前文出现的living things。如果改写为people或者human则会有意义上的偏差。
45. 标准答案:The other theory holds that living things react continuously to their rhythmic physical environment
听音关键:The other theory, living things, react continuously, rhythmic physical environment
答案重构:1) The other theory holds that each individual responds constantly to the rhythmic physical environment
2) According to the second/other theory, living things reacts continually to their environment, which is rhythmic
画龙点睛:共提到两个理论,前面介绍了第1个,此空应该是另外一个。"the other theory holds"可以按照前文"according to the first of these theories"改写为according to the other/second theory。这样,整个句子的结构就改变了,原来的宾语从句就上升为一个主句。continually可以用后文中的constantly替换。rhythmic在前文出现过,应该写得出来。 physical environment自然环境,实在写不出physical,宁可不写。
46. 标准答案:Not only has no independent timing system ever been discovered, but there has not yet been even a guess as to its nature
听音关键:no independent timing system, discovered, guess, its nature
答案重构:1) Scientists have neither found any independent timing system nor guessed at its nature
2) No independent timing system has been found yet; furthemore, nobody has even tried to think about its nature
画龙点睛:原句是not only...but (also)结构,可以根据其含义改为并列句。因为原句的两部分都是否定结构,可以用neither...nor...形式引导。尽管independent timing system可能比较难,但是上下文中并不缺少该词组,所以应该可以写出来。此外,也可以根据句子结构的需要把discover与find替换,把guess改为try to think about。

  • alterv. 改变,更改,阉割,切除
  • cuen. 暗示,提示,信号 vt. 给 ... 提示,把 .
  • futileadj. 无效的,无用的
  • adjustmentn. 调整
  • constantlyadv. 不断地,经常地
  • reactvt. 作出反应 vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻
  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无
  • rhythmicadj. 有节奏的,有韵律的
  • subtleadj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧