日期:2011-08-05 17:07



1. May I see that ivory horse? 我可以看看那只象牙制的马吗?

2. Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft. 剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。

3. Jingdezhen is called “the capital of porcelain”. 景德镇被称为“瓷都”。

4. They are not only ornamental, but also quite useful. 它们不但具有装饰性,而且还很实用。

5. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. 我们所有的复制品都有明确的标志和标价。

6. Handicrafts sometimes are unique so that they're of great value. 有时手工艺品因其独特而具有极大的价值。

7. New Year's pictures and embroidery are all famous Chinese handicrafts. 年画和刺绣都是中国有名的工艺品。

8. It’s hard to judge between the two handicraft articles; they're both charming. 很难判定这两件工艺品的优劣,它们都很漂亮。

9. Now, making handicrafts is becoming a lot trend among young city dwellers. 现在,我们手工艺制作正在成为年轻城市居民的新宠。

10. According to our experience, these handicrafts will find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路会很好。

Ivory 象牙
Ivory tower 象牙塔
象牙塔(Ivory tower),法语 la tour d'ivoire之译。 Ivory Tower是根据圣经《旧约雅歌》(the Old Testament, song of songs)第7章第4节,睿智富有的以色列王所罗门(Solomon)曾作诗歌1005首,其中《雅歌》都是爱情之歌。在第五首歌中,新郎是这样赞美新娘的,“…Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,by the gate of Bath-rabbim….”(……你的颈项如象牙塔;你的眼目像希实本巴特那拉并门旁的水池;……)。很清楚这里的“象牙塔”只是用来描述新娘美丽的颈项。
exquisite精致的, 精美的
ornamental 装饰的,装饰用的
embroidery 刺绣
dwellers 居民 其动词形式为dwell,常用词组为dwell at和 dwell in,例句:
Dwell in joy. 沉浸在欢乐中。
Fairies are said to dwell in heaven. 传说神仙住在天上。
A gentleman ought to travel abroad, but dwell at home. 绅士应该到海外旅行,但要在本国定居。

1. Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks? 你喜欢这种用竹篾编成的动物吗?

2. You've made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. 你真有眼力,这种瓷器茶具与众不同。

3. Why don't you buy some of that jade which is really pretty? 你为什么不买那些漂亮的玉器呢?

4. I don't know what to choose, maybe a painting, some silk or some jade. 我不知道选什么,也许是一幅画,也许是一些丝绸,也许是玉器。

  • ivoryn. 象牙,乳白色 adj. 象牙制的,乳白色的
  • porcelainn. 瓷器,瓷
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • trendn. 趋势,倾向,方位 vi. 倾向,转向
  • exquisiteadj. 精挑细选的,精致的,细腻的,强烈的 n. 过分
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • charmingadj. 迷人的
  • embroideryn. 刺绣品,粉饰,刺绣
  • ornamentaladj. 装饰的 n. 装饰品