出国旅游口语尽收眼底第29期:Hunting For Gifts
日期:2011-08-03 09:39



1. Can you gift-wrap them for me? 你能把它们包装一下吗?

2. I want to buy some gifts for my friends. 我想给我的朋友们买些礼物。

3. Did you have anything particular in mind? 您有没有特别想买的东西?

4. Please wrap it as a gift and attach a ribbon to it. 请将礼物包装一下,并系上丝带。

5. It's a pain in the neck trying to choose the right gift. 选择合适的礼物真是件伤脑筋的事。

6. I can only say thanks for I have no gifts to give in return. 我没有准备说明礼物回送,只能说声谢谢了。

7. Please find some attractive paper for wrapping the gifts. 请找一些漂亮的纸包装礼品。

8. I'd like to get something typical in this region, if possible. 如果可以的话,我想买一些当地的特产。

9. It was most generous of you to send me such a beautiful gift! 你送给我这么精美的礼物,真是太破费了!

10. I want to have the initials of her name engraved on the bracelet. 我想把她的名字的首字母刻在手镯上。

It’s a pain in the neck 脖子疼,痛苦的事,讨厌的家伙
例句:It's a pain in the neck sharing a room with him. 跟他同住一室真是令人苦不堪言。

in return 作为报答,作为回报。
例句:In return, I am sympathetic. 我只好以同情的眼光回报。

bracelet 手镯
例句:The diamond bracelet is very beautiful. 那个钻石手镯非常漂亮。
联想:earrings 耳环,necklace 项链,jewelry 珠宝,
gold 金的, silver 银的, diamond 钻石,crystal 水晶, jade 玉石

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 早上好,先生。买点儿什么?
B: Good morning. You see, I'm looking for a very special gift for a very special person. 早上好。是这样的,我在为以为特别的人寻找一份特别的礼物。
A: Uhuh. Is it for a gentleman or a lady? 好的,是给先生还是给女士买的呢?
B: Oh, a gentleman. 先生。
A: In that case, let me show you some nice tie-clips. 那样的话,请您看看领带夹吧。
B: That's a good idea. 主意不错。
A: How about these ones? 这些怎么样?
B: Ah, they look rather fashionable. 看起来相当时尚啊。
A: Sure! They're the latest design. 确实是!这些是最新的款式。
B: Oh, great! Which one moves off most? 太好了!哪一种最畅销啊?
A: I’m sorry, sir. It's not available now. 抱歉,先生。现在已经卖光了。
B: What a pity! Any recommendations? 真遗憾!有什么推荐吗?
A: How about this one? Both the design and the color are quite special, what do you think? 这个怎么样?样式和颜色都很特别,您觉得呢?
B: Well, I think so. All right, I'll take it. 我也这么想。好吧,就买下它。

move off : 畅销
例句:This product moves off overseas. 这种产品在国外很畅销。

  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • crystaln. 水晶,晶体 adj. 晶体的,透明的
  • engravedadj. 被牢记的;被深深印入的 v. 雕刻(engra
  • necklacen. 项链
  • diamondn. 钻石,像钻石的物质,菱形,纸牌的方块,棒球内场 v
  • braceletn. 手镯
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • jewelryn. 珠宝,珠宝类
  • fashionableadj. 流行的,时髦的
  • pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯