出国旅游口语尽收眼底第30期:Choosing Clothing
日期:2011-08-04 09:43



1. This dress comes in four sizes. 这件礼服有四种尺寸可供选择。

2. I would like to see the skirt in the showcase. 我想看看陈列柜里的那条裙子。

3. I like this style, but I don't care for its color. 我喜欢这个式样,但是不喜欢它的颜色。

4. Let me see the crimson one in my size, please. 请拿件深红色的给我看看,要合我的尺寸。

5. I don't buy my clothes. All of them are tailor-made. 我的衣服不是买的,我所有的衣服都是量身定做的。

6. Do you know where to buy the clothes that fit me? 你知道去哪儿买合我身的衣服吗?

7. I wanted to buy the blouse, but I balked at the high price. 我想买件上衣,但因价格太贵而犹豫不决。

8. Maybe it's a little dearer, but the quality is more desirable. 价格可能稍贵些,不过质量相当不错。

9. I just buy the clothes I like instead of nothing the brand-names. 我只是买我喜欢的衣服而不去关注品牌。

10. You'd better buy some clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. 你最好买一些不需要干洗的衣物。

skirt 裙子 区别shirt(男士)衬衣
blouse (女士)短上衣,女士衬衫
联想:suit 西装, costume 戏服, uniform 制服、校服
crimson 深红的,深红色
例句:Maple leaves have turned crimson. 枫叶已经红了。
tailor-made (衣服)定制的,(为某一目的)特制的,(对要求等)恰恰合适的
例句:The club is tailor-made for Sally. 俱乐部的活动和符合莎莉的口味。
balk at 畏缩,回避
例句:They balked at signing a new contract. 他们对签订一项新合同犹豫不决。
dry-clean 干洗
例句:How much do you charge to dry clean this sweater? 干洗这件毛衣要多少钱?

A: Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?
B: Yes, could you tell me where the ladies' department is? 是啊。你能告诉我女装部在哪儿吗?
A: Sure. It is on the next floor up. 当然,就在上面一个楼层。
B: Thank you. (Later) Would you please show me some pure silk blouses? 谢谢。(稍后)请给我拿几件真丝衬衫看看好吗?
A: All right. What size do you want? 好的,您要多大尺寸的?
B: Large, please. 拿大号的吧。
A: Here is a yellow one and it is large. 这是件黄色大号的。
B: Fine. Can I try it on? 行,可以试穿一下吗?
A: Yes, the fitting room is right over there. 可以,试衣间就在那边。
B: (Five minutes later) Excuse me, this is too large. Have you got any medium size? (五分钟过后)抱歉,这件太大了。有中号的吗?
A: Let me check for you. Yes, but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway? 让我给您找一找。有的,不过只有猩红色的了。不管怎样,您想试试吗?
B: No, it's a little too loud. Thank you just the same. 不用了,这种颜色太花哨了。十分感谢。
A: You're welcome. 不必客气。

衣服的号码:S=small, M=medium, L=large, XL=extra large
scarlet 鲜红色,猩红色
例句:Andrew turned scarlet again. 安德鲁又脸红了。
loud 花哨的,招摇的,俗艳的
例如:a loud dresser 穿着庸俗的人

  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • mediumn. 媒体,方法,媒介 adj. 适中的,中等的
  • blousen. 女衬衫
  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,
  • desirableadj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的 n. 有吸引
  • costumen. 服装,剧装 vt. 提供服装,为 ... 设计服装
  • uniformn. 制服 adj. 一致的,统一的 vt. 穿制
  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • balkv. 阻止,突然停止,退缩,拒绝 n. 障碍,错误,失败
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案