A: Hi there, I want to reserve a hotel room.
B: No problem at all. Could I have your full name, please?
A: Sure, John Sandals.
B: Hi, Mr. Sandals. I'm Michelle, at your service. When do you need the room?
A: My plans are to be there April 14th to the 17th.
B: We have new room rates, sir. Will that be acceptable to you?
A: Well, it depends on the price, of course. What is it?
B: It's $308 a night.
A: I have no problem with that.
B: Great! Would you prefer smoking or nonsmoking?
A: Definitely nonsmoking. I can't handle that smell.
B: Nonsmoking. Now, is a queen-size bed okay?
A: No problem.
B: Great, Mr. Sandals. Your reservation is confirmed. Now all I need is your phone number.
A: Of course! It's area code 626-555-1739.
B: Thank you so much, Mr. Sandals. We look forward to seeing you!