欧美人文风情(视频+文本+字幕)第378篇:婚前必看 你们的爱能长久么
日期:2018-08-08 10:20


Marriage expert John Gottman can sit with newly engaged couples for 15 minutes or less and predict, with 94 percent success,
婚姻专家 John Gottman 只要和新婚夫妇坐在一起十五分钟,或甚至花更少的时间,就能得出准确率高达 94% 的预测,
the likelihood of whether that couple will be happily married or miserable and divorced. What is his secret? How does he do it?
He says the key to relationship success does not lie in candlelight dinners;
it is not found in trips to Paris or horse-and-carriage rides under moonlit skies;
it is not found in getting your partner a different gift every other week, and it is not found during long walks on the beach.
Gottman says the most important factor for a happy marriage is—attention, small moments of positive attention.
Gottman 说,幸福婚姻最重要的因素就是—专注,给予对方全心全意关注的每一段细碎时光。
When I heard this, I thought about my mom. See, when I was six, she told me that it was the little things that make the big difference.
And as I look back on my parents' failed marriage, I see that it was those little things that eventually became non-existent.
And if you're watching this now, then I know it sounds reminiscent because it is all too common today on this planet that we take each other for granted.
We don't know what we have until it's gone. We lose touch with those who mean so much by neglecting the things that are so small.

Now look, if you wanna book a limousine with a mariachi band inside to take your sweetheart on a helicopter ride, that's fine.
But I have to mention, none of that compares to giving your consistent, undivided time and attention.
Because lasting love, as Gottman said, is all about the small stuff.
如 Gottman 所说,这正是因为长久的爱都存在于那些微小的事物上。
It's about looking to your partner and telling them, "I love the way your hair looks in the morning."
It's about sending a random "I miss you" text to tell them that they're in your heart and on your mind.
It's about when they call you during the day—does your voice light up like a dream come true?
Or does your tone sound like you've got better, more important things to do?
It's about choosing praise over blame.
It's about holding their hand when you know they are afraid, and you might be, too, but you say, "I'm here. It's gonna be okay."
It's about pressing pause on your favorite show, so they can tell you about their day. It's about making up funny nicknames.
It's about complimenting a new hairstyle. It's about noticing the funny way their lips curl up when they smile.

It's about the simple things like remembering that no matter how hard it gets or how much you argue, you're on the same team.
It's about the simple bliss of watching a movie cuddled up in the bed. It's the gentle kiss right on the forehead.
It's about the eye contact at the breakfast table where due to the light hitting them at a certain angle,
you notice a different shade or texture of their eyes. It's about those tight hugs from behind.
It's about choosing to be kind instead of right all the time. It's the small gestures to show them they are truly treasured.
It's not about the fancy, dress-up dance clubs, because slow dancing in the kitchen wearing sweatpants is way better.
It's about being weirdos together. It ain't always about making the heart melt. It's about getting them a glass of water when you get one for yourself.
And, yes, I realize that with so many extravagant celebrity weddings, for some people,
this may sound like trash—but if your partner doesn't feel seen, appreciated,
or listened to without fear of judgment, then what kind of partnership do you have?
It is said that three billion people in the world will go to bed hungry tonight,
and there are four billion who will go to bed hungry for a single word of love and appreciation.
If you have a malnourished partner, love one, or friend, then please listen. I want you to feed them small acts of love and attention.
And now is a good time to start because it truly is the small moments of our lives that take up the biggest part of our hearts.

  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • engagedadj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的
  • undividedadj. 未分开的;专一的;专心的;完整的 v. 未分开
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • meltvi. 融化,熔化,消散 vt. 使融化,使熔化,使消散
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • consistentadj. 始终如一的,一致的,坚持的
  • extravagantadj. 奢侈的,浪费的,过度的,大量的
  • limousinen. 豪华轿车
  • shaden. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡 vt. 遮蔽,