欧美人文风情(视频+文本+字幕)第167篇:博物馆巡礼 德国 - 柏林旧博物馆
日期:2015-08-07 11:26



Visiting Altes Museum in Berlin
博物馆巡礼 德国 - 柏林旧博物馆

Hi, I'm Naomi, and I'm very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions.
嗨,我是 Naomi,我非常兴奋要带你看世界最棒的景点了。
Among various museums on the Museum Island in Berlin is the Altes Museum. Tall columns encircle the rotunda and border the pavement of the museum. On one side of the entrance is the fiery statue of Fighting Amazonian Woman, which was made by the distinguished German sculptor, August Kiss.
柏林博物馆岛上众多博物馆之一的是柏林旧博物馆。高耸圆柱环绕圆厅及围住博物馆走廊。入口的一侧是热烈激昂的《亚马逊女战士》雕像,由著名的德国雕刻家 August Kiss 所打造。

The style of architecture used to build this museum was greatly influenced by Greek architectural styles. On the other side of the entrance is an ardent statue aptly named Lion Fighter, which was an addition to the museum in 1861.
建造这座博物馆所採用的建筑风格深深受到希腊建筑风格的影响。在入口的另一侧是一座巧妙命名为《屠狮者》的激昂雕像,那是 1861 年时博物馆增加的藏品。

博物馆巡礼 德国 - 柏林旧博物馆.jpg

The museum now holds masterful pieces of art and is especially known for its museum of antiquities.
Thank you for watching our travel video series. See you next time!


1.be known for 以...而著名
The museum now holds masterful pieces of art and is especially known for its museum of antiquities.


2. The style of architecture 建筑风格

The style of architecture used to build this museum was greatly influenced by Greek architectural styles.

3.masterful pieces of art 杰出艺术品

The museum now holds masterful pieces of art and is especially known for its museum of antiquities.

4.the world's greatest attractions 世界最棒的景点

Hi, I'm Naomi, and I'm very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions.
嗨,我是 Naomi,我非常兴奋要带你看世界最棒的景点了。
