日期:2015-06-12 10:30



How to Create Latte Art

Hi, I'm William Gross from Joe's Manhattan, and I'm here for About.com. Today I'm going to demonstrate how to make a Latte Art.
嗨,我是曼哈顿Joe's咖啡(注一)的William Gross,而我是为了About.com来到这里。今天我要展示如何做出拉花艺术。
While the Italians thought little of the milk foam designs they made while making cappuccinos in Italy. It became the coffee fashion around 1988 and, eventually, the rage across America.

Latte Art is used in all specialty shops around the country, uh, and it's a way to show that the espresso that you've pulled and the milk that you steamed are pretty much perfect. So we're looking at things like contrast, symmetry, if your rosettes or heart or whatever that you've made is centered.


It's all in the pour. The most notable and noteworthy design is the rosetta, though others include the heart, and variations of these two. Thousands of baristas have perfected this art. It takes the perfect pulled shot of espresso and properly steamed milk, combined with a little wrist and cup action. Just the right tip and pour and you've got Latte Art. And it takes practice: practice, practice, practice.
To make the rosetta, pour starting in the center of the coffee. Let the pitcher rest on the edge of the cup. With the cup about halfway to three quarters full, give the pitcher a little side to side shake, and you should see the leaves begin to form. Continue the shake and keep pouring in the center.
With about four to six shakes, you begin moving the pitcher back towards you, continuing to shake side to side with a tighter movement. As you near the edge of the cup, you want to draw through the leaves with the pour of the milk. Elevate your pour for finer results.
To make the heart, with your cup of espresso and steamed milk ready, start your pour from the side of the cup, keeping your cup tipped toward the pitcher slightly. Once you're about a quarter of the way up, move your pour into the middle. Continuing to tip your pitcher of milk, you should start to see what could be called halo milk. Continue to tip and pour your milk, and two circles will appear. Follow through the center of them to create and finish the heart.
Here is a variation of these two designs. Baristas make hundreds a day and are constantly improving their art of the pour. It takes practice and don't be disappointed if you can't do it at first.
Thanks for watching. To learn more, visit us on the web at About.com.

注一:美国人常常把“a cup of coffee”说成“a cup of Joe”,是有典故的。在1913年的时候,美国有位Josephus Daniels任职海军部长,以强硬作风闻名。当船舰上最强的饮料就是咖啡,于是美国人就开玩笑地把一杯咖啡叫做 a cup of Joe。

注二:影片中提到的Barista原为意大利文,意思是bartender。是在咖啡厅专门调理咖啡的师傅。而影片一开头介绍讲者的字幕提到的Barista Joe,是说咖啡调理师达人。


1. combine with 结合

例句:It takes the perfect pulled shot of espresso and properly steamed milk, combined with a little wrist and cup action. Just the right tip and pour and you've got Latte Art.

2.take practice 练习

例句:And it takes practice: practice, practice, practice.


3. the edge of ···的边缘

例句:As you near the edge of the cup, you want to draw through the leaves with the pour of the milk.

4. specialty shops 专卖店

例句:Latte Art is used in all specialty shops around the country, uh, and it's a way to show that the espresso that you've pulled and the milk that you steamed are pretty much perfect.
