欧美人文风情(视频+文本+字幕)第125篇:型男名厨奥利佛 - 世界食品改革日
日期:2015-06-10 14:43



Food Revolution Day

Imagine if you lived in a world, where more people died from diet related illness than any war, than any homicide or murders, or even drugs, alcohol and smoking combined, or where diabetes was the fastest growing cause of death in the world. Imagine if you lived in a world where diet related disease caused over two hundred billion in Health Care; in a world where food producers could get away with putting fillers and additives into your food without even telling you to make more money; with government's hands were tied, because of the power of large corporations, and with forty-three million children were obese, where they could be fed junk food everyday of their school life, and when they left school, they couldn't even identify basic fruit and vegetables. Imagine that!

Surely, it's time to get real. Some people think so, because if you care, they have to care. The Los Angeles Unified School District removes flavored milk from six hundred and fifty thousand kids' school meals every day.
Fresh milk today! Happy day!

型男名厨奥利佛 - 世界食品改革日.png

Both the USA and the UK legislate for higher nutritional standards for school food. McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and more companies every day remove "pink slime" from their beef products.
美国和英国都制定法律让学校食物有更高的营养标准。麦当劳、汉堡王、Taco bell和更多公司每天都把“粉红肉渣”从他们的牛肉产品中移除掉。
"The solution is..." "There isn't no easy solution." "It took us fifty years to get Christmas." "And it's going to take us some time to get out of it." "Food Revolution Day!"
Oh, I haven't got all the solutions, but if we all do it a little bit, then we can definitely make a difference. And you know what? You're probably gonna have a really good time doing it too. So get stuck in! Go on! You can do it!
So this is how it works: you go to an event, or even host one yourself, where you can pass your knowledge onto your friends, family or community.
"But if everyone works together..." "businesses and schools," "governments," "parents" "and kids," "then nothing would stop us."
If we all vote with our cash for real food, then the food industry would have to change. If we've got food education back into schools and communities, imagine that.
"High five!" "May 19th."
Let's take a stand, get involved on May the 19th. Be a part of the Global Food Revolution Day.
"Let's stand up for real food!" "Food Revolution Day!"


1. get away with 侥倖逃脱、不受惩罚
例句:In a world where food producers could "get away with" putting fillers and additives into your food without telling you to make more money.

2. get stuck in 全力以赴、非常热衷地进行

例句:So "get stuck in"! Go on! You can do it!

3. take a stand 表达意见、采取坚定立场

例句::Let's take a stand, get involved, on May the 19th. Be a part of the Global Food Revolution Day.

4. stand up for 支持、维护、捍卫、挺身而出

例句::"Let's "stand up for" real food!" "Food Revolution Day!"
