美国学生历史 第32期:驱除法国人(4)
日期:2016-07-06 15:34


98.Fort Duquesne.

Instead of heeding Dinwiddie's warning, the French set to work to build Fort Duquesne at the spot where the Alleghany and Monongahela join to form the Ohio,-on the site of the present city of Pittsburg. Dinwiddie therefore sent Washington with a small force of soldiers to drive them away. But the French were too strong for Washington. They besieged him in Fort Necessity and compelled him to surrender (July 4, 1754).
法国人没有理会丁威迪的警告, 而是着手从阿勒格尼和孟农加希拉汇聚到俄亥俄的地方构筑杜 坤要塞(这个地方就是现在匹兹堡市的位置)。因此, 丁威迪派华盛顿带领一小队武装士兵去驱赶他们, 但对于华盛顿这帮人而言,这些法国人太强大了, 他们将华盛顿包围在纳西西提要塞中,并迫使他投降( 1754年7月4日)。
99.Braddock's Defeat, 1755.

The English government now sent General Braddock with a small army of regular soldiers to Virginia. Slowly and painfully Braddock marched westward. Learning of his approach, the French and Indians left Fort Duquesne to draw him into ambush. But the two forces came together before either party was prepared for battle. For some time the contest was even, then the regulars broke and fled. Braddock was fatally wounded. With great skill, Washington saved the survivors,-but not until four shots had pierced his coat and only thirty of his three companies of Virginians were left alive.
现在, 英国政府派布雷多克将军带领一支训练有素的军队前往弗吉尼 亚,布雷多克带领军队缓慢而费力地向西方远征。 得知布雷多克到来, 法国人和印第安人离开要塞想将他引入埋伏圈,但是, 两军还没来得及准备战斗就撞个正着, 开始时两军的争夺并不激烈,后来英军大乱并四散奔逃, 布雷多克本人则受到致命一击。 华盛顿非常机智地解救了幸存者,但是,他身中四枪, 从弗吉尼亚带来的三队士兵只有三十人幸存。
100.The War to 1759.

All the earlier French and Indian wars had begun in Europe and had spread to America. This war began in America and soon spread to Europe. At first affairs went very ill. But in 1757 William Pitt became the British war minister, and the war began to be waged with vigor and success. The old generals were called home, and new men placed in command. In 1758 Amherst and Wolfe captured Louisburg, and Forbes, greatly aided by Washington, seized Fort Duquesne. Bradstreet captured Fort Frontenac, on Lake Ontario. There was only one bad failure, that of Abercrombie at Ticonderoga. But the next year Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point and opened the way to Canada by Lake Champlain.
早期法国人和印第安人的联合战争 都发生在欧洲,然后蔓延到美洲, 这场战争始于美洲并很快蔓延到欧洲。战争伊始, 各项战事陷入困境,但是,1757年威廉o皮特担任战争大臣, 战争得到有力支持并取得胜利。老将军们被请回家, 新人们被托付要职。1758年,阿姆斯特和沃尔夫夺取路易斯堡 ,福布斯在华盛顿的大力协助下攻陷杜坤要塞; 布莱斯垂特夺取安大略湖附近的富然特纳克。只有一次败仗, 那就是艾伯克友比在提康德罗加战败,但是, 第二年阿姆斯特夺取提康德罗加和克朗波因特, 打开了由尚普兰湖通往加拿大的大门。
