美国学生历史 第8期:英格兰的开拓者(2)
日期:2016-05-11 16:32


23. Sir Walter Ralegh.
Still another famous Englishman of Elizabeth's time was Walter Ralegh. He never saw the coasts of the United States, but his name is rightly connected with our history, because he tried again and again to found colonies on our shores. In 1584 he sent Amadas and Barlowe to explore the Atlantic seashore of North America. Their reports were so favorable that he sent a strong colony to settle on Roanoke Island in Virginia, as he named that region. But the settlers soon became unhappy because they found no gold. Then, too, their food began to fail, and Drake, happening along, took them back to England.
24. The "Lost Colony", 1587.
Ralegh made still one more attempt to found a colony in Virginia. But the fate of this colony was most dreadful. For the settlers entirely disappeared,—men, women, and children. Among the lost was little Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America. No one really knows what became of these people. But the Indians told the later settlers of Jamestown that they had been killed by the savages.
25. Destruction of the Spanish Armada, 1588.
This activity of the English in America was very distressing to the King of Spain. For he claimed all America for himself and did not wish Englishmen to go thither. He determined to conquer England and thus put an end to these English voyages. But Hawkins, Drake, Ralegh, and the men behind the English guns were too strong even for the Invincible Armada. Spain's sea-power never recovered from this terrible blow. Englishmen could now found colonies with slight fear of the Spaniards. When the Spanish king learned of the settlement of Jamestown, he ordered an expedition to go from St. Augustine to destroy the English colony. But the Spaniards never got farther than the mouth of the James River. For when they reached that point, they thought they saw the masts and spars of an English ship. They at once turned about and sailed back to Florida as fast as they could go.

  • colonyn. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落
  • distressingadj. 使人痛苦的,令人烦恼的 动词词distress
  • slightadj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的 vt. 轻视,
  • conquervt. 征服,战胜,克服 vi. 得胜
  • armadan. 舰队,机群,(车辆)编队
  • destructionn. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者
  • favorableadj. 有利的,赞许的,良好的,顺利的,偏袒的
  • invincibleadj. 不可征服的,难以制服的
  • settlev. 安顿,解决,定居 n. 有背的长凳
  • explorev. 探险,探测,探究