In today's TechBytes, good news for parents who have been experiencing iTune sticker shock. Apple is now requiring users to re-enter their passwords when making in-app purchases. Now the hope is that this will prevent kids from inadvertently buying virtual goods while playing games on their parents' iPhones and iPads.
欢迎收看今天的TechBytes节目,对iTune的价签瞠目结舌的父母们有福音了 。现在在应用商城购买商品,苹果公司会要求再次输入密码 。这么做是希望可以阻止孩子们在父母的iPhone或者iPad上玩游戏时无意购买产品 。
Original programming may be coming to Netflix. The movie-oriental service is reportedly in talks to acquire a TV series, starring Kevin Spacey and directed by The Social Network's David Fincher. This will be the first time a programme will be streamed on Netflix before seen anywhere else.
网飞公司将提供原创影视节目 。这项影视方向的服务据报道是一部由凯文·史派西领衔主演,大卫·芬奇导演的电视剧 。这将是电视节目首度在网络媒体,也是网飞上独家播出 。
And it seems like there's an app for just about everything these days while now smokers have one that can help them quit. Canadian scientists have developed Nicot which encourages users to find and crush as many virtual cigarettes as they can over a 12-week period. The app is available for $5 in the iTune store.
最近仿佛到处都是app的消息,现在更是有了一款帮助吸烟者戒烟的应用 。加拿大科学家开发了一款名为Nicot的应用,这款应用鼓励用户在为期12周的疗程期间找到并销毁尽可能多的烟类品种 。这款应用在iTone商城里售价5美元 。
Those are your TechBytes. I'm Peggy Bunker.
以上就是今天的TechBytes 。我是Peggy Bunker 。
注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。