Simply flipping through a book may not seem like the best way to scan it, but a Japanese research team at Tokyo University has created a software that scans hundreds of pages within minutes.
只是翻翻书并不能扫描书中的内容,但日本东京大学一只研究组正在发明一种能在几分钟内扫描上百页书籍的软件 。
Until now, scanning paper has been a tedious process in which pages one by one must be inserted into a flatbed scanner. But this new invention uses a high speed camera that takes 500 pictures per second to scan pages as they're flipped. The invention is able to scan a 200 to 250 page book in about 60 seconds using basic computer hardware available off shelf.
直到现在,扫描书籍都是一项沉闷冗长的工作,因为这项工作需要手动将书籍一页一页附在扫描仪的平台上 。但这项新发明运用了一种高速相机,每秒能拍摄500张图片,能在翻书过程中完成扫面工作 。这项发明应用最基本的电脑硬件就能完成,能够在1分钟左右扫描完一本200到250的书籍 。
It takes a shot of the shape then it calculates the shape and uses those calculations to film the scanning. As it can film while understanding the underlying shape, it's very easy to then take the pages that are being scanned and save them as a normal flat copy.
这种扫描方式首先需要拍摄下图书页面上的图案形状,接着在映出这些图案的同时解析这些图形,最后只要轻松保存这些图形就可以了 。
While right now, it requires extra time to process the scanned images, the hope is to eventually make the technology faster and much smaller.
目前,这项技术还需要额外的时间来解析扫描到的图像,研究人员的最终目标是让这项技术更快,设备装置越来越小巧 。
In the more distant future, once it becomes possible to put all of this processing on one chip, and then put that in an ipad or ipod, one could scan just using that chip. At that point, it becomes possible to scan something quickly to save for later reading.
将来,一旦技术允许将所有程序放进一枚芯片,那么将这枚芯片放入ipad或ipod,或者其他能扫描的设备中 。这样,快速扫描稍后阅读将成为可能 。
Being able to scan books with an iphone maybe further off, but a commercial version of the large scale computer-based scanning system could be available in 2 or 3 years, while the flip scanner has the potential to take paper books into the digital age, it remains to be seen how publishers will feel about the new technology.
虽然用iphone扫描书籍还是很遥远,但使用电脑大规模扫描系统将在2到3年内实现 。翻翻书就能扫描也许会将纸质书带入到电子书的时代,因此出版商们对这项新技术的看法还是个未知数 。
Natalie Armstrong, Reuters.
Natalie Armstrong报道,路透社消息 。
注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。