It can happen to the rich, the famous and the powerful, but if these two entrepeneurs are correct and sweater marks will soon being a thing of the past. Budd Rose on the left is wearing a normal cotton shirt. In a sauna, on the right is his business partner, Oliver Van Emden wearing one of their own creations a fresh max shirt. In this heat, it doesn't take a long to see the difference between the two, just a matter of minutes. Oliver is as sweaty as his colleague. But the fresh max shirt allows moisture to evaporate without leaving a sign. The pair believed that radical woven solution to sweat stain will become the norm the world over.
富人,名人,有权有势的人都会遇到这种情况,但如果这两个创业者成功了,汗湿的衬衣就会成为过去 。在桑拿房中,Budd Rose穿着的是一件普通棉质衬衫 。旁边的试验者是他的合作伙伴,Oliver Van Emden,他穿着的是他们发明的无汗渍衬衫 。在这样的温度下,马上就能看出两人的不同 。几分钟过后,Oliver和Budd都是大汗淋漓,但无汗渍衬衫使得汗水自动蒸发,没有在衣服上留下半点痕迹 。这两个人相信,新式的不留汗渍纺织技术将红透全世界 。
This is for any an man or woman who wears shirts or blouses to work. Uh, you know, whether it's for leisure whether they are at work, uniforms, you know, it always keep you looking presentable. We think fresh max is gonna really take off, it's that, it's a shirt for basically anyone.
这是为所有需要在工作中穿着衬衫的男女设计的 。无论是在休闲的时候,还是工作的时候,或是需要穿着制服的时候,无汗渍衬衫总能让你看上去大方得体 。我们认为无汗渍衬衫将来会大卖,它会是每一个人的基本需求 。
And you never get any your hotter condition than inside a sauna. Yeah.
而且,你不可能处在比桑拿房更热的地方了 。
The trick is in the weave spreading any moisture on the inside of the shirt over a large area and allowing it to evaporate away.
无汗渍衬衫的秘诀就在于它能在衬衫内侧将汗液大面积平摊并蒸发 。
Inside the fabric draws the moisture away from the skin, and spreads over a large suface area at inner side of the fabric, and then your body acts as an engine of heat which allows some moisture to escape through fabric as vapor. And leave the weave, actually, actively redirects the moisture away from outer fibers. So, actually, the outer fibers don't get wet.
衬衫内侧的纤维织物会吸收人体皮肤上的水分,并将汗液大面积展开,然后你的身体就像个火炉子一样将织物上的水分蒸发成气体 。气体会透过织物,穿过织物外侧离开人体 。因此,外部的织物不会被汗水打湿 。
The pair spent more than 8 years perfecting the materia. An idea inspired by the hectic social lives of students, dancing and sweating the night away. But the shirts selling at 50 poud each, or 80 dollars. They may soon be dancing again, all the way to the bank.
这两个人花费了8年时间研究衬衫材质 。他们的灵感来源于学生时代繁忙的社会生活,他们整夜地跳舞,整夜地出汗 。现在,他们研制出的衬衫每件售价50或80英镑 。他们很快就又有时间跳舞了,跳往赚大钱的金光大道 。
Stuart McDill, Reuters
Stuart McDill报道,路透社消息 。
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