FedEx, proud partner of visionaries. Save 10 % on ground shipping at FedEx office over the UPS store. We understand, you need a partner who can help you save money.
联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴 。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10% 。我们了解,你需要的是物美价廉的合作伙伴 。
It's Thursday, Sept.30th. I'm Mark Licea, and it's time to get loaded.
今天是9月30日,周三 。我是Mark Licea,欢迎收看今天的节目 。
New rumors are surfacing about a second generation iPad. According to two Goldman Sachs Analysts, it will be out in June of 2011 and come with a built-in camera, a mini USB port and spot a thinner and lighter body compared to the previous model. They say that 9.7-inch screen will stay the same despite rumors of an 8-inch version coming out.
关于iPad2,又有新消息 。根据两位高盛分析师的推测,iPad2将于2011年6月问世 。新一代的iPad2将带有内置摄像头,一个迷你USB接口,并且和上一代iPad相比机身更加轻薄 。和之前传出的8英寸屏幕的消息不同,这次专家透露iPad2仍是9.7英寸 。
And if you want a phone that runs Android that uses google search in mobile apps, the company has a new site for you:www.google.com/phone is a database of all of Google's Android devices. Users sort products by release date, country, manufacturer carrier, and where to buy. You can get your fix of Google phones by going to Google.com/phone.
如果你想要能够使用谷歌搜索的安卓系统智能手机,那就一定要浏览这个网址:www.google.com/phone 。这是所有谷歌安卓智能手机的资料库 。用户通过选择手机的出厂日期,国家,制造商和购买地,就可以通过网络轻松解决一切手机问题 。
Amzon announced a Beta version of Kindle for the web. This doesn't require the company's e-reader software and users can look at samples and first chapters of a book right in a browser, you can share the book samples with a friend through email, facebook and twitter. If you want to keep reading after the sample, it would push users to buy the full-length e-books from Amzaon's bookstore.
亚马逊推出了阅读器的网页测试版 。读者无需下载安装阅读软件即可阅读,读者可通过浏览器免费阅读书籍第一章,并可通过电子邮件,脸谱网,微博分享给朋友 。如果你想继续阅读书籍的其余章节,你则需在亚马逊书城购买整部电子书 。
Ninetendo announced that the 3DS will hit Japan next year on Feburary 26th. And North America and Europe will get it in March. Pricing for the DS in Japan is said at the equivalent of $300 which makes it the most expensive handheld the company has ever released, even the PSP Go was priced at $249 when first launched. There's no official price for the U.S. version but we can expect similar pricing.
任天堂宣布3ds机型将于明年2月在日本发售 。3月在北美和欧洲发售 。在日本价格有可能会定位在300美元,而这是该公司发售价格最高的掌上产品,即使是PSP首次销售也只达到249美元 。虽然该公司没有宣布该机型在美国的售价,但我们预计将会和日本价格相近 。
Those are your headlines for today, I'm Mark Licea for CNet.com, and you've just been loaded.
以上就是今天的头条,我是Mark Licea,感谢收看今天的节目 。
FedEx, proud partner of visionaries. Save 10 % on ground shipping at FedEx office over the UPS store.
联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴 。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10% 。我们了解,你需要的是物美价廉的合作伙伴 。
注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。