I'm Ina Fried with CNET. I'm here in our labs with the MacBook Air that Apple introduced recently as well as the, a Dell Latitude, typical Windows 7 PC.
我是CNET的Ina Fried 。今天我来到实验室对比苹果公司和戴尔公司最近新推出的MacBook Air和Latitude——运行win7的笔记本 。
One of the challenges that I think the new MacBook Air presents for Windows is it really brings some of the instant-on capabilities that have been very popular on the iPhone and iPad and takes them into the computer round.
目前,苹果公司的MacBook Air带给Windows的一大挑战就是,MacBook Air可以即时启动那些在iPhone和iPad的热门应用 。
Windows 7 is certainly the best Windows machine yet at going to sleep and waking from sleep, but might hunches that it's still not the same kind of performers. We are gonna see from this. So I want to give a little bit of run-through side grab.
Win7是目前Windows系统中待机和启动速度最快的,Windows和MacBook的程序在待机和启动上还是有着不小差别的 。我将从头到尾体验一遍,我们一起来看它们的区别 。
One of the fastest machines we had in Dell. Now it's not a solid state drive, so it's not an Apple-to-Apple's comparison. Pardon upon. But I do think it gives a sense of the performance of a typical Windows 7 machine and a typical new modern machine in the MacBook Air.
我们使用戴尔品牌中运行最快的一款电脑和苹果公司的MacBook Air作对比 。注意,这不是硬件对硬件的对比,也不是苹果产品对苹果产品的对比 。但我认为这是经典的Win7在对战MacBook Air的新型现代电脑 。
So the first thing I'm gonna do is put both machines to sleep. To do that in both cases, all you have to do is shut the lid. And it takes the Windows machine a little bit longer. You see the Apple light go out sooner, the sleep button on the Windows machine takes a little bit longer. But that's not something the average users gonna notice much. Now I'm gonna wake the two machines and you'll see the difference. With the MacBook Air is up almost instantly, the Dell it takes just a little bit longer.
因此,我们首先要做的就是让两款电脑进入睡眠状态 。只要把两款笔记本的盖子合上就可以了 。我们发现Windows进入睡眠的时间稍长 。苹果笔记本机盖上的logo灯很快灭了 。Windows进入睡眠的时间明显稍长 。可能大部分用户都不会意识到这一点 。现在我要从睡眠状态中启动这两台电脑,你将看到区别 。MacBook启动很快,Dell启动得稍慢 。
Now it may not seem like a huge difference, but I do think that over time this is a potential advantage for the Mac, as it's able to tell really the same kind of instant zippy experience that you get on the iPad actually brought to the computer. The Dell is not slow. But my experience is that overtime that resume just isn't quite as zippy as the computer experience versus consumer electronics experience. And that's a key difference that I think Microsoft needs to worry about as it works on the future of Windows.
虽然二者的差别不是很大,但我认为这点将逐渐成为Mac系列的一大优点,因为它将iPad的即刻睡眠功能应用到了笔记本上 。戴尔电脑并不慢,但以我的经验来看,启动和睡眠不够敏捷的话,产品将不能满足未来用户对电子产品体验的要求 。我认为这是微软的Windows系统将来主要面对的问题 。
For CNET, I'm Ina Fried.
CNET消息,我是Ina Fried 。
注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载 。