"It's not even good texts. It's like 'hey, hey, what's up? what's up? Not much.'Like it, just ridiculous texting I'm learning not to do anymore,"
都不是什么有意义的短信,像是“嗨,嗨,你在干吗?”这种无聊的短信,我现在正在试图戒掉没事就发短信的毛病 。
At her worst, Annie Levitz was sending 100 text messages a day - 4,000 in a single month. Then, the pain started.
Annie Levitz最多的时候每天发100条短信,一个月4千条短信 。于是手开始疼了 。
"I started like losing feeling in my hands and they'd go numb. I'd be going to pick up dishes and things and they'd just fall out of my hands,"
“一开始是感觉手失去感觉,变得麻木 。我去端盘子,但没有拿住它们,盘子纷纷落到地上 。”
Doctors diagnosed Annie, who is a junior at Stevenson High School, with carpal tunnel syndrome. So severe, braces and cortisone injections aren't enough. She'll have to undergo surgery.
医生诊断Annie,一名高中生患上了腕管综合症,情况严重到注射药物失效,必须手术治疗的 。
Annie's mom says simply taking her daughter's phone away isn't an option.
Annie的母亲表示如果只是没收女儿的手机并不明智 。
"Sure, I've thought about it. But if you have teens you know that doesn't work. That's their whole social life, plus that's how you get in touch with them,"
“是的,我想过这么做 。但如果你有十几岁的孩子你就会知道这不会管用 。因为这是他们所有的社交活动,何况,家长也是这么联系孩子的 。”
Experts say just 3 percent of adults have diagnosed cases of carpel tunnel syndrome.In teens, it's almost unheard of. But doctors say, too much texting, is becoming a textbook way to get it.
专家表示3%成人被诊断患有腕管综合症,青少年患这种病的还很少 。但医生表示,过度发短信有可能患上这种病 。
When you, if you get tendonitis in the shoulder or in the wrist and the doctors say "well, don't do the activity, put it at rest, well, it's the same thing." You know, don't do the activity that's constantly causing the problem.
如果你的肩或腰患上了肌腱炎,医生会建议你别运动,多休息这样的话 。要知道,不运动也会不断地引发问题 。
The kid with carpal tunnel is all the talk at school, but if Annie's friends are any indication, the lesson may have longevity of a text message.
患上腕管综合症的女孩所有社交活动都在学校,但如果Annie的聊天对象是她的同学的话,那么课时长度有可能就是她发送短信的时间 。
"They are teenagers so I think most people, like a minute, oh, I'm fine. But it's gonna still happening."
“我认为大部分人会反应一下,然后说他们还是孩子,我没事,然后仍然像往常一样发短信 。”
"I know it's a problem so I may watch it, but I still text a lot.and I probably will, still text.
“我知道这是个毛病,但我仍然会发很多短信 。”
As for Annie, she says she's cut the number of texts she sends a month in half.
对于Annie来说,她表示她减少了平时短信数量的一半 。
"Now, you down to?"
"Two thousand." "Oh~~~~~"
"I know, it's not good enough but I'm trying!"
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