W. Carlos M. used to be in a wheelchair. After two years of stem cell therapy that he believes reversed his condition, Costa Rican authorities are closing down the center where he received treatment. The center has a permit to store adult stem cells, but not to perform the treatment M. received.
W. Carlos M.曾经一度坐在轮椅上
And now we don't know what will happen, what reaction will have. All the people I know, every single patient has had positive reactions to the treatment. Cases with three year inability, paraplegia, and they are starting to feel their legs. We now feel truly abandoned and disappointed by the decision that was taken.
。我认识的人,每一个在这里治疗的人都对治疗效果青睐有加 。曾经有3年瘫痪的人经过治疗,逐渐能感觉到自己的腿了 。现在,我们对政府的决定感到很无助,很失落 。The Costa Rican Health Ministry says the Institute of Cellular Medicine is not following standard procedures in medical clinical trials. Such trials use a control group, giving a fake therapy to rule out the placebo effect.
Health Minister Maria Luisa Avila, "The people in charge of the center should have developed protocols, investigation protocols which are viewed by bioethics committees who have an external consultant review things that are doing well, because mother-cell treatments are not approved for routine usage in any serious country. This is still a therapy which is still being investigated."
The center was using master cells found throughout the body that give rise to many different tissues and blood cells. That had become standard treatment for certain genetic diseases. The clinic's owner told Reuters he closed the clinic and admitted that some of his treatments had not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Andrew B, Reuters.
安德鲁·B,路透社消息 。
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stem cell therapy
干细胞疗法:干细胞是能够长期存活,具有不断的自我繁殖能力和多向化潜能,几乎存在于所有组织中的原始细胞 。干细胞疗法是将患者自己的骨髓中的干细胞通过细胞生物学方法提取出来,经过体外分离再将其移植入患者肝内,就象一粒粒种子种在其肝脏“土壤”中,经过一段时间发育、成熟就会变为行使肝脏功能的肝细胞,从而补充、修复受损或缺损的肝组织,达到改善肝脏功能的目的 。
control group对照组,参照物
placebo effect
安慰剂效果:指任何与使用安慰剂产生的后果类似的效应:这个变化通常是有益的,也是一个人对某个治疗手段的信赖而产生的臆想结果,或者是来自于对某种试验性药物功效的预想判断 。安慰剂效果最先出自药理学家之口,而现在也广泛运用于许多与药物无关的情况 。