日期:2012-02-18 17:53




Alice : What are you doing, Luming?


Luming : I have been looking for my grammar book here and there.


Alice : Oh, it's just under the table, just right under your nose.

噢,它就在桌子下面呀,就在your nose下。

Luming : Under ... my... nose? It is a big mouth under my nose.

Under my nose? 在我的鼻子下? 我的鼻子下是嘴巴(不是语法书)。

Alice : ( laughing ) You must be confused about the phrase "under your nose". It means "directly in front of you; clearly visible ".

(大笑)你一定是不了解under your nose的意思。它的意思就是你们中文中说的在眼皮子底下。(就是指就在你的眼前,你没看到,非常容易看到的。)

陆明不明白的地方是under one's nose。Under one's nose是英文中的一个成语。它的字面意思是在某人的鼻子下,和我们中文中的在眼皮子底下是一个意思。

正如Alice在对话中所言,"under one's nose" means "in plain view or directly in from of somebody ",就是指某物距离你很近,就在你面前,很容易找到看到。只不过英文中用鼻子这个字眼,而我们中文用眼皮这个字眼。

这个成语在运用的时候可以在在nose 这个名词前也可以加very进行强调,即:under one's very nose。或者是在under这个介词前面加上just进行强调,即:just under one's nose

突然Alice 想起了有事情要告诉好友,于是便问陆明电话在哪里,这回陆明可学乖了。此话怎讲呢?我们先来看看他们俩的对话。

Alice : I want to make a phone call to Kate. Whare 's your phone?


Luming : Find it by yourself.This cartoon is very interesting,don't you watch it ?


Alice : Don't switch the conversation. I really have some urgent thing to tell her.


Luming : It's right under your nose. 就在你眼皮下边呢。

Alice : Where ? 哪呢?

Luming : There. 在那!

Alice : Why do you put it in such a place? 你怎么把电话放在这里呢?

Luming : In case you steal it! 以防止你偷走呀!

此外,under one's nose还有公然地,胆大包天地,胆大妄为地,目空一切地在某人眼皮底下做某事的意思。我们来看下面的3个例子:

Eg. The two thieves stole the paintings under the guards' noses and took them out just under the guards' noses in the end.


Eg. How can you dare to read a novel under the teacher's eyes? You deserve it!


Eg. That dragon lady have three gigolo under her husband's nose.


好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的趣味学英语就到此结束了,记住了under one's nose的意思是(某物)在某人的眼皮子底下,第二个意思就是(某人)竟敢公众,胆大包天,无法无天在某人眼皮子底下做某事的意思。





1. switch


(1)switch (sth) (with sb/sth) 互相交换做某事

Eg . Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally.


(2)switch (sth) over/round 换着做某事

You drive first and then we'll switch round/over.

你先驾驶, 过一会儿咱们再换着开.

2. gigolo 舞男;小白脸;靠妓女生活的男人

双语解释1:professional male dancing partner who may be hired by wealthy women 舞男; (有钱女子雇的)男舞伴

双语解释2:(贬) paid male companion or lover of a wealthy older woman (有钱的年长妇女雇的)男伴或情人

Eg. She had a drunken row with her gigolo. 她喝醉后跟自己供养的情人吵了一阵。

3. cartoon 动画片

Eg. The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching a cartoon.


短语:1. switch the conversation 转换话题

(1) change the subject of conversation 把话题转到...... (2) switch the conversation to another subject 把话题转到......

2. in case conj. 万一, 如果

Eg. The doctor asked us not to call him during the night except in case of necessity.


Eg. Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把电话号码写下来以免忘了。

Eg. In case (=If) I forget, please remind me. 万一我忘记,请提醒我。

3. took sth out

(1)取出:How much do you need to take out (of the bank)? 你需要(从银行)取多少钱?

(2)拔掉:How many teeth did the dentist take out? 牙科医生给患者拔了几颗牙?

(3)拿出:It's getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves. 天气变冷了,我不得不把毛线手套拿出来了。

3. read a novel 阅读小说

4. dragon lady n. 悍妇, 傲慢专横或残暴的妇女

Eg. I am sure no woman likes to be called a dragon lady.


Should your girlfriend happens to be a dragon lady, are you going to break up with her?


4. here and there 到处, 处处

Eg. The old man liked nothing better than puttering about, doing a few odd jobs here and there.


Eg. The essay is well-done on the whole. It is, however, marred here and there by slight inaccuracies.


Eg. The country is barren with here and there a fertile spot. 土地荒芜,只是偶尔有一两片沃土。

5. in plain view 清晰地看到;一览无遗

Do not eat or drink in plain view of guests. 在能够清楚看到顾客的地方,勿饮勿食。

The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing.




1. 钥匙就在你那。

2. 我找我的眼睛找了20分钟,哪知就在我的眼皮子底下。


1. 你有没有在报上看到关于那个去博物馆偷东西的贼有多么大胆的消息吗?他把三幅画从镜框里割了下来,然后就竟然在警卫的鼻子底下带出了博物馆。

Did you read the paper how bold that robber was the art museum? He three paintings their frames and walked them right under the guards' ..

2. 瞧,你的眼镜一直在你的鼻子底下。

, your classes were under your nose the time.


A: 抱歉, 迟到了! 我找我的钱包找了半个钟头。

B: 结果找到了吗?

A: 嗯! 找到了。结果其实一直就在我的眼前, 盖在茶几上的报纸下面!

A: Sorry, I'm late. I half an hour my wallet.

B: Did you it?

A: Yeah, I finally found it. The it was under a newspaper my coffee table - under my !


  • barrenadj. 不育的,贫瘠的
  • visibleadj. 可见的,看得见的 n. 可见物
  • cartoonn. 动画片,漫画 vt. 为 ... 画漫画
  • dentistn. 牙科医生
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • stimulatingadj. 刺激的,令人兴奋的 动词stimulate的现
  • occasionallyadv. 偶尔地
  • plainn. 平原,草原 adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简单的,平坦