可可早间课堂第112期:Lesson Two(基础篇之一)
日期:2011-08-23 13:29




Lesson Two 基础篇(之一)




I thought he loved me but he blew me off for Babara.

我以为他爱我,可是他喜欢的是Babara, 拒绝了我。


这个句子中要注意关键的一个短语:blew me off. 把这个短语广众化,即:blow somebody off. 这个短语跟我们的第一课的短语在写法上是一模一样的,但是意思却截然不同。And what does it mean in this sentence. Well ,in this sentence, "blow somebody off " means "reject a romantic relationship with somebody" . 在这个句子中是“拒绝某人的爱”的意思。In addition, "blow somebody off " can express "end up a romantic relationship with somebody"". 此外,“blow somebody off ”还可以表示“结束与某人的恋爱关系”的意思。


[情景展示] 您在男友的万般宠爱下穿着美丽的婚纱与您心中的白马王子携手走进了神圣的婚礼殿堂,在神父面前向上帝发誓将爱走到你们人生的尽头。可是,婚后不到半年,曾经与您海盟山誓过的丈夫却对您的同事有意思了,这时候不妨用上blew somebody off 这个短语来描述现在您的境况。How do you give a vivid description of it. We might as well see the following paragraph.

[情景描述] My husband must blow me off because he's been involved with another guy who works with me. I cannot put up with it and almost go crazy. The moment I think of what he's said how deeply he loved me in the past, I find myself too silly to buy his story. Anyway , I have been aware of my mistake that I was made an attack upon of his sugar coated bullets and did failed to resist them,being head over wheels in love with him.

[译文]我的丈夫一定是要和我离婚了,他和我的同事勾搭上了。我真是承受不住这样的打击,我几乎要疯了。每当我想起他过去对我的甜言蜜语时,我发觉我自己很傻去相信他的话。不管怎么说,我意识到是我的错误——我遭受到糖衣炮弹的侵袭,在那时我确实却抵制不住, 因为那是爱得太疯狂了。


It is natural that it happen. 发生这样的事儿是自然的。不是有句话嘛——Marriage is the grave of love. 意思是:婚姻是爱情的坟墓。若是收听节目的您是已婚者,我想您对这句话会深有体会。When a guy has a thing for you , a beauty, he can do everything for you even if it might sends him into prison and he cannot see no faults on you before marriage. However, a man is easy to cease to be faithful to a woman and change his mind after marrige. 当一个男生对你有意思的时候,在追求您的时候,即使是让他坐牢的事儿他都会在所不惜,为您去做。可是一旦婚后不久,男人是很容易变心的。或许,有的听众认为我是站在女性的角度上去评论。


在收听节目的听众朋友,不管您是女性朋友,还是男性朋友,您对这件事是如何看待的呢?And how about your opinions? I would like share yours. If you want to share yours with me, I am looking forward to your E-mail. My E-mail box is: leinadancingroom@qq.com


1 be involved with somebody (have an affair with somebody)与某人有染,与某人有婚外情

For a time, she dated Barl Miller, who we heard was romantically involved with Eleanor.


It 's an open secret that he 's had an affair with his secretary


2 put up with ( = bear , take, stand ) 承受, 忍受

I can' t put up with your hypocricy any more. I have had enough of it .


He said he could not bear such internal sabotage any longer.


She says she will stand no nonsense, ie will not put up with foolish behaviour.


I won' t take any more of your nonsense -- now get down to work.


3 go crazy (= go off one's head ) 发疯,发狂

I didn't tell them all the details, I didn't want them to go crazy.


When I think it all over I go off my head , I see red.


3 buy one's story (= believe someone's words) 相信某人的话

I will never buy your story. You must be talking through your hat.


The police will never buy that story.


I do not buy your story.

我不信你的鬼话。/ 我不信你那套。/

4 be made an attack upon of ( come under attack of ) 遭受到......的侵袭

Although he has come under attack and has been considered ambitious, none of them are strong enough to make him give up his dreams.


They sent out troops to make an attack upon the enemy.


4 sugar coated bullets 糖衣炮弹

Its sugar-coated bullets are of two kinds, material and spiritual.The bourgeoisie is sure to corrode people and aim its sugar-coated bullets at them.


5 fail to do something ( be unsuccessful in doing something ) 做某事失败了

He failed to pass the final examination.


Next time I will tell you a bitter and true story which is about an pure girl who was blew off by his boyfriend? 如果您想听这个故事的话,敬请锁定下期的可可之声晨间7点档每日一句口语课堂——Lesson Two 基础篇之二。非常感谢您的这次收听,下次再会。

  • internaladj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • spiritualadj. 精神的,心灵的,与上帝有关的 n. (尤指美国
  • sabotagen. 怠工,破坏活动,破坏 vt. 从事破坏活动,妨害,
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的
  • unsuccessfuladj. 失败的;不成功的
  • graven. 坟墓,墓穴 adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄重的
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • millern. 磨坊主,铣床(工)
  • descriptionn. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型