可可早间课堂第72期:S would rather (sooner) that S did.
日期:2011-06-22 11:50


Last time we learned how to describe our wishes that was impossible or unlikely to happen or to be true in the past. It is : S wish S had done. And some translation exercises were left and I am about to give to answers to you.

1 但愿我能把烟戒掉.
I wish I had given up the weed.

2 我希望那时那些孩子不要如此胡闹。
I wished those boys hadn't carried on like that.

3 要是你那时能更仔细听我的话就好了。
I wish you had been more attentive to what I say.

4 他们要是改变一下菜单就好了。
I wish they would change the menu.

5 (她自以为是) 我希望让她碰个钉子。
I wish something would happen to puncture her.

6 我真希望你那时穿衣不要那么保守。
I wish you hadn't been so conventional in the clothes you wear.



And this morning I would like to tell you a new sentence pattern. 这个句式表示的是对现在或是将来的事情发生或者是不要发生的一种主观愿望。它是什么呢?It is: S would rather (that) S did. 翻译为:某人宁愿某人做某事。这个句式中S did 是由that 而引导的宾语从句,that可以省去,从句中要用虚拟语气。因为是对现在或是将来情况的一种主观希望,则宾语从句中用一般过去时。


Jane以0.1分之差失去了到美国参赛的机会,当她问老师结果时,老师犹豫的样子使她有不祥的预兆,这时她说:“Miss, do tell me. I would rather you told me the truth and I can take it. ”老师,快说吧,我宁可知道真相,我可以承受得了的。

不知道大家有过这种体验没有,很多男生在追女生的时候,还没追到手的时候总是很听从女生的话,tom 正热恋这Jane, 几乎事事都得征得Jane的许可,在今天的派对上,所有男生都在品尝雪茄烟,这是Tom还是得问:“Do you mind if I smoke with them here?”Jane为了Tom的身心健康,还是残酷地不同意:“I would rather you didn't.

想必大家都有体验吧。我们在小的时候父母都不跟我们讲性的问题。Jenny的父母就在这个问题上持相反意见。其父亲觉得晚些时候在跟小孩说此事,可是最近Jenny老在男生家过夜,其母亲是在是忍不住了,说:“I have to talk to her about sex. I would rather she knew it now than afterward.”我必须得和他谈了。我宁愿她现在知道,而不是以后。


这个句型中的would rather可以变为would sooner. 意思是一模一样的。Jane今天看到Jenny原来的男友Mike和Helen在学校亲亲我我的,就问Jane:“Dear, I would like to ask you a question whether you really broke up with Mike?”Jane说:“I would sooner you didn't ask me that question?”我宁愿你不要问我那个问题。



Please translate the following sentences into English with today's sentence pattern.

1 与其屈辱地活着,我宁愿去死。



4 与其生存在这种痛苦中,我宁肯早死的好。



  • attentiveadj. 注意的,留意的
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • unlikelyadj. 不太可能的
  • conventionaladj. 传统的,惯例的,常规的
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • puncturen. 刺穿,刺孔 v. 刺穿